Example sentences of "been [art] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a sad fact that Celtic have taken advantage of their top players , ’ he claimed , in his ghost-written biography , ‘ The kind of players who have supported Celtic and been really loyal to the club have been the ones who have suffered the most . ’
2 It was only natural that the two artist-writers , Gleizes and Metzinger , should have been the ones who were forced into a position of compromise between the two poles of abstraction and representation .
3 But er interestingly , the Americans have just put er more tax on to their gas for , for different reasons admittedly , and er the environmentalists er always feel happy about that because they 've been the ones who 've been telling us for years that er petrol is if anything underpriced , and that we 're rather profligate in the way that we use it , so er at least some people are happy out of this , not everybody , but it , but er it 's making some people happier .
4 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
5 At home Madame , if referred to at all , had always been the person who had been derided .
6 It gave the name of a contact point to follow up information , although some of us had reservations about whether it should have been the person who was actually quoted in the press release
7 To only a few had he been the devil who gloated over their private grief .
8 If it had been the Chinese who engulfed the world in a wide-embracing economic system , we might well have found ourselves using jade rather than gold as a symbol of supreme value .
9 ‘ So it could have been the headmaster who — ? ’
10 In the last thirty years , however , it has increasingly been the lawyers who have projected the legal solution to those who were previously estranged .
11 Thus Jasper 's father might have been the man who was painting the flats and who came in for a cup of tea , or the old lover whom she happened to run into in Denmark Hill , or the neighbour who was moving out of Flat 16 and who came up to say goodbye while his girlfriend was packing their furniture into the rented van .
12 The main areas of depopulation and enclosure in the Midlands were not on their itinerary , and in Kent , where the peasant community was free , it may well have been the peasantry who wished to consolidate their holdings .
13 So far they have got away with their high-pressure selling techniques and the only people who have lost out have been the customers who were faced with massive charges they had neither understood nor anticipated .
14 Here it has been the archivists who have had to confront the difficulties posed by record retention as they attempt to fulfil their statutory duties .
15 ‘ It must have been the child who bumped into me .
16 Not only that , but his great-great-uncle had been the architect who designed the Maryinsky in the first place .
17 Before Hilda he 'd never been the kind who liked to have certainty , but after she came he settled for her way .
18 You know Jesus has been the leader who 'd been taken away from his group , very clever tactical ploy .
19 Once it had been the God who was supposed to have asked that too familiar question .
20 In the wake of the 1975 UDA visit to Libya , it had been the DUP who had played the red card and accused the paramilitaries of flirting with communists .
21 So it must have been the Gharrgoyles who had put me on the planets surface to die .
22 Single , never-married daughters traditionally have been the group who provided care for their parents in old age .
23 Police said he could have been the rapist who has attacked several women over 18 months , including a girl of 15 .
24 That the cottage meant as much to her as it did to him was obvious , but it did n't occur to him that she might have been the intruder who had broken in .
25 One mother ( the widow of a lamplighter ) was a machinist at a printer 's ( bookbinding ? ) , and in this case at least it may have been the mother who introduced her daughter to the trade .
26 In her first term at St Cecilia 's there 'd been a girl who 'd had the gift of levitation , a disturbed girl called Julie who had been able to float eight feet above the ground , whom Miss Scuse had eventually had to have removed .
27 She seems to have been a girl who drifted into relationships because she did n't like upsetting people .
28 Gentlemen , not only had our trade been inundated with boys , but fortunately or unfortunately , we have had another element introduced , and you know that I have never been a person who ignored the company of the opposite sex .
29 But , as Charles knew , Michael Banks had been a person who inspired love .
30 Her schoolmaster father had been a disciplinarian who firmly believed that sparing the rod spoilt the child and whose memory caused many a local male heart to tremble .
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