Example sentences of "been [noun] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had also been Marcus who had phoned Connon with the news of Arthur 's visit to the police station .
2 It had been Marcus who turned up at the Evans house on Saturday afternoon when Pascoe was there .
3 There had in the past been clergymen who had elaborated the written account in the manner of solo violinists , composing their own cadenzas , and their elaborations had found their way into the written account .
4 ‘ When we heard about poor Alain Gebrec being dead , I had a sudden vision of Dora looking furiously angry … you know how she sometimes glares at Dieter … and I thought for a moment … supposing it had been Dieter who 'd been killed … it might have been Dora who had … oh , I know it 's dreadful of me to think these things , but she hates him so much . ’
5 In the end , it had been Roberts who had spoken .
6 Yet it had been Eleanor who had started this war of words ; Eleanor who had tried to interfere in something that should have been none of her business .
7 Therefore Carol 's daughter is not Julie , whilst Donna was taken to see Mary Poppins , so it must have been Linda who went with Carol to see Jungle Book .
8 Since also the percentage of assessments below £3 was much the same in Sussex as in Norfolk and Berkshire , a good many farm workers there might have been cottagers who had their own plots of land .
9 Yes , it could still have been Tutilo who finished what Jerome had begun . ’
10 It had been DeVore who had befriended him .
11 Unfortunately there have been presenters who became better known for hitting the headlines than their ability to turn washing up bottles into handy household objects .
12 Many will have committed sexual offences that other prisoners find abhorrent ; some will have been informers who helped the police in the hope of obtaining a shorter sentence and still others may have built up debts inside prison that they can not repay .
13 It had been Kurt who had set up the dozens of licensing deals for menswear and toiletries , bedlinen and beachwear , soft furnishings and costume jewellery , all bearing the name of Hugo Varna , which had not only saved him from bankruptcy but also made him his first million .
14 ‘ When we heard about poor Alain Gebrec being dead , I had a sudden vision of Dora looking furiously angry … you know how she sometimes glares at Dieter … and I thought for a moment … supposing it had been Dieter who 'd been killed … it might have been Dora who had … oh , I know it 's dreadful of me to think these things , but she hates him so much . ’
15 ‘ It could n't possibly have been Eddie who impersonated Delia and anyway there 'd have been no point when she lives in the same house as Angy . ’
16 ( It occurs to us that it may have been Durfey who sang Aeneas in the school production .
17 According to Lotta it had been Rune who had stormed out , taking the painting with him , which meant what ?
18 On that third morning , though , it had been Haynes who led out the home team , since Richards was in the press box breathing fire at Daily Express journalist James Lawton who had asked him for an explanation of the V-sign he had given to his own crowd .
19 We have already mentioned in passing the state policies regarding the arts in Germany , the USSR and China ; there have been writers who followed the party lines by giving attention to those artists favoured by patronage , while neglecting others .
20 ‘ To be fair , ’ the prince pointed out generously , ‘ in this case it seems to have been Owen who took the offensive . ’
21 Of course during the previous factional struggles it had been Trotsky who had been accused of advocating policies which would have led to a split between the working class and peasantry , but now it was Stalin who was in Bukharin 's sights .
22 Those who forget the virtues of solidarity in order to protest against the downgrading of individual agency might recall that it has been intellectuals who have been most prone to inflate the significance of individuals — particularly intellectuals — to the same degree that their theories propose universal categories and claim universal effects .
23 But instead , it had been Sara who made the move .
24 ‘ During my time at Leeds there have been players who have left the club and some have questioned the wisdom of their departure .
25 After all it had been Bliss who had warned him that Nadirpur was embroiled with the Pessarane Behesht , Bliss who had informed him that the real cargo was arms .
26 However , it had been d'Arquebus who returned along that terrifying , tormenting tunnel … had it not ?
27 But even in their search , strictly speaking , it had been Peter who had succeeded and not he .
28 But some of them will have been men who lived permanently within their lord 's gates , his closest companions , who , after several years ' service , might hope to be rewarded with fiefs .
29 In previous relationships it had always been Lotta who had moved on to better things ; she 'd never been rejected before and she felt angry and humiliated , particularly as she saw her standard of living about to fall . ’
30 It was disturbing , in an invigorating sort of way , because it had always been Mandy who saw her beauty , no matter what .
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