Example sentences of "been [v-ing] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Two days later , the most beautiful bloom burst forth which appeared to mimic a flow 3D diagram Margaret had been producing on her computer !
2 A more carefully prepared training programme and an easier tournament schedule have helped the world No.2 to win three important tournaments in recent months , whereas Le Moignan appears to have been struggling with her motivation .
3 On the landing , she led the way to the small room she had been using as her office .
4 How many of these songs could she have been singing to her daddy ?
5 Things did go wrong … she 'd trusted in the powers of justice and compassion before , and she 'd lost her mother … she 'd trusted Mortimer with her friendship and he 'd betrayed her … trusted Guy with the whole of her heart and soul last night and all the time he 'd been laughing behind her back at the ‘ sexy redhead ’ from Chesters …
6 She was worried about a pair of wild barn owls : they had been nesting in her barn for years and she knew there were young up there , but had n't seen the parent birds going in and out for several days .
7 Maisie Dougall had been listening to her friends going on and she thought it was about time she made a contribution .
8 His comment also meant that he had been listening to her conversation with the receptionist in Dublin — because he had still been bored ?
9 — If he got the answers he expected , that Rhoda had kept William Egan 's money in some hiding place and that Roxie had been looking after her brother 's moneybags , and that all three women had been spending what they were supposed to be hoarding , then he knew what was causing the atmosphere he had picked up at Roxie 's house .
10 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
11 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
12 She 'd been looking after her father , who 'd become ill , probably because of the fumes .
13 has been looking after her younger brothers and sisters since they were made wards of court when their parents were sent back to India .
14 Liz , a 25-year-old single woman , had been living on her own for the previous year in a flat above a small craft shop that she ran together with her mother .
15 Margaret , who had been living with her married sister in Oxford , soon came to join her mother .
16 The Sun identified the exact hospital and also mentioned how the wife had been living with her mother in a named town since her husband 's arrest .
17 She then pointed to the recipe — Turkish Stuffing for a whole Roast Sheep — delighted by the disparity between the thought of this sheep and the few ounces of meat a week which begun jotting down recipes for this book after she had been sent back to England in 1945 , owing to her health , from New Delhi , where she had been living with her husband .
18 She has been living with her friend Jane Eager at Scira Court , Wylam Avenue , Darlington , since October and applied to the council as a homeless person last month .
19 Mrs Hepburn said she had been living with her husband at the time of the alleged crimes but was now in the process of divorcing him .
20 Petula has been living at her London home this year while Claude has stayed in Geneva .
21 The thieves took £80 that 73-year-old Peggy Metcalfe had been saving for her electricity bill .
22 Ella silenced her arguments in one fell swoop by producing the money she had been saving from her grant all the months Eva had been at university .
23 I had a call from Doris and apparently Lillie 's been saving from her daughter , is that right ?
24 She marched down the stairs , and saw Jasper coming out of the sitting-room where , of course , he had been searching for her money .
25 ‘ So , by preventing Heather from leaving , you would have been acting in her best interests as well as yours ? ’
26 Four days ago in a similar quiet period she had been gossiping with her uncle , listening to his barbed comments on affairs , on the art world , and on his family .
27 What Margaret had said earlier had been going through her mind over and over again .
28 Janie 's distraught mother Angela Darling explained what had been going through her mind during the case :
29 As one of McLaughlin 's respondents , who had been caring for her mother for seven years , pointed out : ‘ Well that really is a nonsense because the amount it is at the moment compared to anybody that 's had the chance of a full-time job , you 're talking of £24 as opposed to a job of about £98 ’ ( McLaughlin , 1991 , p. 48 ) .
30 ( Widowed woman receiving ( then ) supplementary benefit who had been caring for her frail mother for ten years )
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