Example sentences of "been [v-ing] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been weeping at night when I 'm sleeping .
2 And just in case any men out there still need to be convinced that cleanliness is next to Robert Redfordness , how about the tale of a friend of mine who was desperate to impress a woman he had been pursuing for weeks .
3 How much have you been seeing of Jones during the weeks when I 've had to leave you alone here ?
4 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
5 All over Spain , rebel officers put into action the plan they had been elaborating since December of the previous year .
6 It was clear that Thomas Grenfell had made more than his share of mistakes , it seemed that The Fine Leather Trading Company had been overspending on labour and without the expected turnover in goods moved and sold .
7 United have been tumbling into trouble over the last couple of weeks … last time they won was Denis Smith 's first match as manager …
8 And if you read the scriptures , you 'll discover those where er he , you know er he was with Paul on one occasion , and er he 'd been eating with Gentiles and er then some Jews came up who believed that eating with er non-Jews even though they were followers of Jesus was wrong .
9 He 'd been sparing with words : it hurt to talk .
10 The Bishop , the Right Reverend Peter Ball , has been resting on orders of the Archbishop of Canterbury , since being questioned by police before Christmas .
11 The Guildford Four have been canvassing for Jeremy Corbyn in Islington .
12 To some degree they had already been catering for children with special needs .
13 ‘ Well , he has been caddying for Harley in Europe , and he did win one tournament and finished equal second in the other .
14 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
15 Samsung has been collaborating with HP on some of the low-end PA 7100 widgets , which are ready to pop next month .
16 Leading novelist Liz North , author of Dames and Ancient Enemies , has been collaborating with GCSE and A-level English students at Harrogate College of Arts and Technology as part of the Live Writing scheme funded by Yorkshire and Humberside Arts .
17 Samsung has been collaborating with Hewlett-Packard on some of the low-end PA 7100 machines , which are planned to appear next month .
18 " I 've been proving to Graham I really did have some wine and it smashed . "
19 The mystique of the rapid has been building since day one , and now , at cocktail hour , Crystal assumes demonic proportions .
20 SunSoft Inc 's director of Intel Corp iAPX-86 product marketing , Allan Snell , has left the company to go and live in the house he 's been building in Boulder , Colorado .
21 SunSoft Inc 's director of Intel Corp iAPX-86 product marketing , Allan Snell , has left to go and live in the house he 's been building in Boulder , Colorado .
22 For some time now a Canadian company , Delrina Technology , has been producing without doubt the best fax software , for both DOS and Windows .
23 ‘ I have been recovering from RSI ( Repetitive Strain Injury ) since last October .
24 This gives the guitarist the same facility for storing and recalling a library of sounds that keyboard players have been enjoying for years .
25 However , many of those organisations have been contracting with TECs and will therefore have developed in this area .
26 In addition to playing and working for Suntory , Glenn and I have been helping with coaching , primarily with the forwards .
27 Labourer Jamie Gorrie , 20 , of Horndean , Hants , had been helping with inquiries about his 15-year-old sister , who died 19 days ago .
28 Police say someone has been helping with inquiries and an inquest will be opened into the young man 's death tomorrow .
29 Police say someone has been helping with inquiries and an inquest will be opened into the young man 's death tomorrow .
30 Police say someone has been helping with inquiries and an inquest will be opened into the young man 's death tomorrow .
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