Example sentences of "been [det] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My theory has always been that working practices and the way that careers are structured are not really compatible with having a family as well .
2 A reasonable defence might have been that field sports were preferable to roaming the docks but , instead , the chief rabbi was assured that the boys needed the exercise .
3 The result has been that discount deals have proliferated .
4 The result has been that sea walls have had to take the brunt of the power of waves and currents at high tide , which erodes them and requires rebuilding on an ever larger scale .
5 A significant milestone has been that product revenues for the AViiON line finally surpassed those of the proprietary Eclipse MV products .
6 Labour 's traditional view had been that interest rates should be kept down and investment restricted to feasible levels , not by monetary policy , but by quantitative credit controls and physical materials controls .
7 A recurring complaint from industry has been that pension funds are too short-term orientated , to the detriment of the companies in whose shares they deal .
8 There have been few repayment defaults .
9 There have been some success stories , particularly where local authorities have entered into partnership deals with private sector agencies .
10 There have been some hand outs as you come in hopefully you 've actually picked them up , on part of that hand out is a questionnaire towards the end which I hope everybody will find the time to fill in .
11 The line operates every Tuesday and gets dozens of calls , because , despite the fact that there have been fewer home repossessions over the last few months , the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux say that more people are getting themselves into debt .
12 But it is important to state that although in recent years in Britain , there have been many service innovations whose aim has been to improve the home or community care of elderly mentally frail people ( see for example Age Concern England , l983 ) , unfortunately most of these schemes have either not been systematically evaluated ( often because they have been very small in scale ) , or — if they have — results have not been widely disseminated .
13 Their action may have resulted from purely local causes : there had been many border clashes .
14 There had n't been many teddy boys in Knockglen , in fact no one could ever remember having seen one except on visits to Dublin where there were groups of them hanging round corners .
15 Indeed , there have been many Government statements .
16 Of course there had been many Christmas parties after Maman went away , Aunt Tossie saw to that — but they were not memorable .
17 There have been many aircraft crashes , not at Crowfield , but everywhere , but do n't worry about that you have to remember that there have been more safe landings than crashes .
18 There have been many demonstration projects , but most of these have been on a very small scale .
19 If you 've read Practical PC from issue 1 , you will know that there have been more graphics standards since 1981 than you can shake a stick at , culminating in today 's VGA standard as the required minimum in a ‘ bog standard ’ machine .
20 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
21 And since the mid-1990s there have been more prison riots in Britain than in any other European country .
22 After a moment she added , in an offhand tone , ‘ By the way , have there been any phone calls this week when I 've been out ? ’
23 Have there ever been any fire ladies , you 've got firemen ?
24 All the staff , including senior management are new to the Burger King system so there have been several teething problems .
25 He revealed that there had been several Iranian-US contacts " in the last few days " through the Swiss embassy in Tehran .
26 The divisional manager of Strathclyde Buses , Bert McGinley , said there had been several knife assaults which have resulted in hand cuts , and threats on drivers .
27 In fact , there have been several ice ages , possibly many .
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