Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Even the work of scribes writing centuries after the Conquest has been dismissed in this way , seemingly mainly because it is variable , and not because we can ( usually ) know whether the scribe was a first-language speaker of Anglo-Norman , or whether it would have been relevant if he had been .
2 Some vertical agreements , such as exclusive distribution and exclusive purchasing , have been examined under this framework .
3 It is frustrating that so little pottery from settlements has been examined in this manner , although Brisbane ( 1981 ) has proposed a model for various modes of production that may be appropriate for such pottery .
4 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
5 In recent years the head offices of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have taken steps to increase their influence on this process , and have aroused the resentment of local favourites whose chances of nomination have been jeopardised by this " interference " .
6 Where towns have been joined in this way the whole built-up area is called a conurbation .
7 By the time he 'd got it , the two dead girls the scribe wanted to see had been joined by this third .
8 Viking is way behind schedule : it had been intended for this quarter , but StorageTek said that based on the present status of the product and schedule estimates it expects IBM-compatible products based on Viking architecture to be available in the second half of 1994 .
9 The crammed loose boxes to his right seemed more menacing , as though the ugliest objects had been banished to this unvisited dungeon .
10 I could not understand why they had been banished to this dusty attic .
11 A sepoy with a green turban had had his spine shattered by The Spirit of Science ; others had been struck down by teaspoons , by fish-knives , by marbles ; an unfortunate subadar had been plucked from this world by the silver sugar-tongs embedded in his brain .
12 The European Convention on Human Rights has not been made part of our law by statute , so it does not in itself create rights enforceable in our courts ; but having been ratified by this country it is binding on us as a matter of international law .
13 It had been realised by this time that , even if polythene did not fit into the then accepted mould for plastics , which tended to be glassy substances like polystyrene and Perspex , it might still be useful .
14 Since job opportunities in industry have been limited in this way , how do the millions who are coming to the city earn a living ?
15 One of the factors influencing the career decisions of professionals is opportunity for career advancement , which has been limited in this field until recently .
16 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
17 Until very recently , the SAAF has had the praiseworthy policy of flying as many of its historic airframes as possible , and the Oxford 's restoration has been undertaken with this in mind , or at the very least to allow the aircraft to ground-run .
18 Older embryos and more extended cultures benefit from a rotating system and , judging from the experience with rat embryos , the same is probably true for primitive streak stage embryos , although no direct comparison between static and rotating culture systems has been undertaken at this stage in the mouse .
19 Process aspects of mathematics may prove to be particularly difficult to express in criterion statements , but little work has yet been undertaken in this area .
20 Until recently however very little systematic research has been undertaken in this country .
21 Despite the substantial growth in studies of women 's employment over the past decade , very little comparative analysis has been undertaken in this area .
22 Yet these farmers had usually been placed in this situation because there was no one else willing to take on the task .
23 It starts at the bottom line and scans across to ‘ see ’ what colours have been placed in this row of squares .
24 This type of executive still exists in the United States , whose Constitution has not been altered in this particular since its inception .
25 Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion , a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets .
26 Hence , in the union ( an area of approximately 21,000 people ) in which the rice-salt solution had been taught , only 6.5% of all cases of diarrhoea had been treated with this mixture .
27 In a nearby union in which the lobon-gur solution had been taught , 14.9% of all cases of diarrhoea had been treated with this mixture .
28 72 patients have been treated with this form of insulin therapy since then and only 3 with continuous subcutaneous insulin , because our patients rarely accept it .
29 Our people deserve better than to have been treated like this , and the general quality of our society will not rapidly improve unless they are .
30 I 've never been treated like this before . ’
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