Example sentences of "been [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Around the turn of the century there had been the great triumvirate of Braid , Vardon , and Taylor but American dominance was established between the wars in the shape of Walter Hagen , who won the Open four times , and Gene Sarazen .
2 For the past decade the almost continuous and often spectacular rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen 's extreme-right party has been the great talking point of French politics .
3 The news from Gatow that Heydrich had flown north had been the great shock , the confirmation of all their fears , but Heydrich for once had missed the boat .
4 The next morning brought more early arrivals ; namely , the two ladies from Germany — who had travelled together despite what one would have imagined to have been the great contrast in their backgrounds — bringing with them a large team of ladies-in-waiting and footmen , as well as a great many trunks .
5 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
6 According to the 1987 Conservative Election Manifesto : ‘ Home-ownership has been the great success story of housing policy in the last eight years . ’
7 It had been bored or dug or had occurred naturally at an incline of about thirty degrees , so that all the way down into the mine , holding onto the rope , they had had purchase for their feet , had almost been able to walk don , though describing it thus made a dull and orthodox act of what had been the great adventure of their boyhood .
8 She has been the Great North Run winner in 1990 and 1991 as well as the British track holder at all distances from 100m to 800 .
9 She had always been the great friend of Noreen 's and of Liam too in his young days .
10 She had told no one at all but it had been the great dream of her life to go to Spain , the real Spain .
11 It had once been the great hall of the castle , and is among the fairest buildings of the twelfth century which Britain possesses .
12 Bringing music to so many people has been the great satisfaction of my life .
13 He was reduced to a short old man who had once been the great painter Marius Durance .
14 Justification had been the great theme of the Reformers , especially of Martin Luther , and Ritschl aimed to restore it to the centre of theology by drawing out its consequences and implications in reconciliation , and opening up the force and meaning of Christianity from that centre .
15 This , the biggest single enclave in Sussex , not only demonstrates the continued dependence of the prototype works at Newbridge on immigrant workmen , but also implies that there had been no great pool of indigenous labour to draw on in the first place .
16 There would have been no great age of dinosaurs , but there would have been a flowering of mammals 130 million years earlier .
17 For most individuals this has been no great loss , the system usually being considered a much more complicated procedure than simply walking into a showroom and purchasing whatever took your ( and your pocket 's ) fancy .
18 Excessive secrecy , unwillingness to consult with senior politicians , reluctance to uncover the hands of cards on the table of missions and operations , and for all that covertness there had been no great efficiency and success .
19 Getting power out of the Honda NSR has never been a great problem though .
20 And my husband , although I 'm only very small and under five foot , my husband is thirteen stone and six foot two inches , so moving him about has been a great problem .
21 But Calatin 's banqueting hall and the house in the forest had wavered and grown dim — ‘ as if I am seeing it through water , ’ thought Fergus — and there had been a great heaviness within him so that it was difficult to breathe .
22 An account to substantiate his claims showed that there had indeed been a great output with £8,000 paid in Royalty over the last 17 years of operation .
23 Belonging to a small community has been a great asset .
24 The enthusiastic support of the influential Association of MBAs has also been a great asset .
25 Finally , the Gatwick Express service between London ( Victoria ) and Gatwick Airport was launched by InterCity in May 1984 and has been a great success .
26 Since it had been a great success when read aloud to ‘ our local club ’ , Tolkien had absolute confidence in submitting it to the publisher of The Hobbit , Stanley Unwin .
27 THE OPENING ceremony had been a great success .
28 His landscaping at Quernmore Park near Lancaster had been a great success , as was his probable design for Casterton Hall near Kirkby Lonsdale , which looks uncommonly like Leck .
29 At a personal level the visit had obviously been a great success , but Napoleon III came away without any specific extension of the Entente and he left the British Ministers unconvinced of his desire for peace and stability in Europe .
30 THE Brownies ' Hallowe'en party had been a great success Carol had enjoyed every minute of it .
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