Example sentences of "been [adj] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 After all , just because she had been unaccompanied at Emma 's house , just because she had accepted his invitation to dinner , did not mean that she was unattached .
2 There was only one big road to cross , but it had a zebra crossing and she had been road-safe at Phoebe 's insistence for years .
3 That would of been interested at Sue 's .
4 Ferguson will have been horrified at Jones ' claim , which might have been the after-match drinks talking rather than the pre-match ones , that Wimbledon 's players spent the days before their win over United drinking until six in the morning .
5 Philip of Swabia , meanwhile , was maintaining the illegality of the meeting on the grounds that there was a legitimate heir , that oaths had been taken to that heir by all the princes and that , furthermore , few of them had been present at Andernach .
6 By lunchtime Wexford and Burden had interviewed all those members of the darts club that had been present at Jack Pertwee 's stag party with the exception of Maurice Cullam , but none of them had been able to do more than confirm that Hatton had been aggressive , vain and malicious and that he had been carrying a great deal of money .
7 Last night Mr Nick Lloyd , editor of the Daily Express , who had not been present at Tuesday 's meeting , said that the editors of Express Newspapers — the Daily and Sunday Express and the Star — and the publisher , Lord Stevens , had not had time to look closely at the proposals .
8 Although he had been late at Emma Chisholm 's dinner party last week , he had seemed perfectly sober , but you could never tell with alcoholics .
9 But immediately , the burden of the territorial and other material possessions of his church weighed upon him in a way that had never been evident at Bec under the relaxed rule of Duke Robert of Normandy .
10 I had been happy at Magdalen and this was a moving occasion .
11 I knew that Niki had not been happy at Ferrari , that he found the pressure of the Italian press and of Italians in general something abhorrent , that he did n't like being attacked in that country 's three sporting dailies as a failure , and that he found the byzantine intricacies of Ferrari 's Maranello a bit hard to take .
12 Doris is no stranger to the UK , having been resident at Duxford in the mid-1970s during its flight from India to the USA .
13 Among four horses on 100–1 was Aboyeur , the mount of Edwin Piper and a forlorn hope in the world 's greatest Classic : he had won once from three runs as a two-year-old and been unplaced at Kempton Park on his only previous outing at three .
14 The matter was referred to Jockey Club headquarters in London to enable the stewards to see a video recording of the Ayr race which had not been available at Carlisle .
15 He had been unopposed at Bewdley , but his two principal colleagues , the Chamberlain brothers , found their majorities uncomfortably reduced , Neville 's to the very edge of defeat .
16 Twice he 's been ready at Oxford 's John radcliffe hospital — twice he 's been sent home .
17 They had already been parachute-trained at Ringway near Manchester and were led by the redoubtable Commandant Bergé , whom Stirling later acknowledged as a co-founder of the SAS .
18 JUST because we have n't been seen in LINK for a while — it does n't mean its been quiet at Crediton !
19 She had only been mad at Dan , because he had brought up Patrick 's name when she wanted him to be a secret .
20 Sarah had been surprised at Mrs Fitzgerald 's calmness but Anne told her that her mother and Maureen spent every possible moment in church and it seemed to comfort them .
21 He had been surprised at Sam 's willingness to stay , and had even felt a flicker of jealousy when he had flopped contentedly down in the grass beside the boy 's feet .
22 Busacher had at one time been surprised at Willi 's musical perception , but was no longer .
23 The same had not been true at Cambridge .
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