Example sentences of "been [prep] some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She then moved to Bristol City Council where she has been for some months .
2 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
3 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
4 Yes my children do go to school and have been for some months now .
5 Yes my children do go to school oh I was going to say , have been for some months now .
6 The initial impetus came from the Managing Director of one of the largest of the Harris Tweed manufacturers — the son of a crofter and himself a fisherman in his early days The Association was , however , given its distinctive shape and its constitution by the first chairman , Rev. Ian Carmichael , a Gaelic-speaker from Lismore who was a minister in Stornoway at the time , and who had had considerable experience of welfare work in industry , and had been for some years vice convener of one of the largest local authorities in Scotland .
7 While there clearly was an ‘ objective ’ discontinuity of subject perspective between selective school mathematics and the practice of some segments , increasingly dominant within some countries , of university mathematics , and had been for some years , it again required interested actors , utilizing the climate of ‘ crisis ’ resulting from the campaign on teacher supply as a major resource , to enter various arenas in order to persuade others of the ‘ need ’ for change .
8 " Yes , " said Clara , beginning to understand the nature of her mother 's satisfaction ; the lack of telephone of Mrs Hanney had been for some years a subject for discourse in a vein of amazed contempt .
9 There has been for some years a basic agreement that the parliamentary salary should be sufficient to prevent MPs feeling the need to seek supplementary income .
10 There is indeed , and has been for some years , discussion on the political level as to whether , and to what extent , public transport , particularly in capital cities , should be regarded , and financed , as a social service , out of taxation whether national or local .
11 Nine tenths of the Leicester ring road is finished and has been for some years .
12 It has to be said that there has been for some years within the Labour Party something of a class divide — a working-class element resentful of a middle-class takeover by lawyers and the like .
13 Therefore if we have activists who are put on the panel alib fi safe seats , marginals or unwinnable seats and we 've been in some areas where it 's been unwinnable , have n't we Dick , we 've still canvassed , we 've got the votes up , p places like Macclesfield where they got Nicholas Winterton , where they got that racist Churchill .
14 Though his thought may have been in some respects dry and narrow as a result , he set the agenda for modern philosophy and theology .
15 They were n't twins , but they could have been in some respects , she realised .
16 Boy thought that this had been in some ways the perfect night , the best that he had ever had since he 'd arrived at The Bar .
17 They have been in some ways too successful .
18 At the end of the sixteenth century the ‘ crowned republic ’ of Poland had been in some ways one of the great powers of Europe .
19 Welcome as the Cabinet 's new policy must have been to some Ministers in the Lords , such as Lord Pakenham , then Minister of Civil Aviation and an abolitionist to his fingertips , voting for suspension can not have been an agreeable experience for the unyieldingly retentionist Lord Chancellor , Jowitt .
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