Example sentences of "been [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had been through hell in the course of duty ; he had made sacrifices that would be asked of no other human being .
2 And Salford-born Phelan , who has signed a five-year deal , admitted : ‘ My family and I have been through hell in the past couple of weeks and signing for City is such a relief .
3 Although the Church was slow off the mark following the population migration and concentration in the expanding towns during the Industrial Revolution , failure has not been for want of trying .
4 I am afraid that it has not been a success and that has certainly not been for want of effort from him but I think we just have to write that one off .
5 It could not have been for lack of qualifications , for Moira had served seven years on the BBC 's General Advisory Council and four years as a director of Border Television ; so one can only assume it was because of my Liberal Party connections .
6 Paul climbed the stairs in trepidation ; had he made some mistake in the corrections , blind with pain as he had been for part of the day ?
7 This shows that Anselm was quite as ready to face exile for the primacy as he had been for obedience to the pope .
8 Yeah it 's been for sale for a long time .
9 It 's been for sale for ages has n't it ?
10 That 's been for sale for some time , long as I can remember practic just imagine you 'd be in the catchment area for would n't that be fun , there 's Jason .
11 Glenn has frequently been for training in one of the world 's most deadly martial arts to its home in Malaysia , where he became the only non-Malay , non-Muslim to reach the Jurulatih , or ‘ expert in technique ’ grade .
12 The whole room , scented with the Christmas goose , seemed to glimmer with warmth and merriment and if it had not been for fear of distressing the children , Alexandra would have been happy to burst into tears .
13 Do you know you 've been off school from what ?
14 He may have been off colour in the World Cup , but he had set a fine example to others .
15 Jes said , I thought you 'd have been off rest of week .
16 The ceremony meant an unscheduled return to work for Christine as she had been off work with a broken hip , but was well on the way to recovery and set for a New Year return .
17 He was made redundant in March 1991 and received payments until returning to full-time work in July 1991 , but suffered a prolapsed disc a month later and has been off work since then .
18 Some of Ashiq 's shocked colleagues have been off work since the murder .
19 She had been off work for several days and Lovebird had kept her in bed and fed her chicken soup from the stove .
20 He had an accident at work and has been off work for two weeks .
21 Patrick had fallen off a ladder over a year and a half ago and had been off work for much of that time .
22 Well I 've been off work for a bit and got back to a massive 156 messages from the group !
23 Anyway the workload gradually increased until I found I could n't continue any longer and have been off work for the last six months .
24 Erm I 've been off work in excess of five years now er add my income has been very very small and whatever award I get will never go ahead and compensate me or my wife for what I 've been through .
25 I have n't been away , but I 've been off work like
26 Dublin could n't miss , but United had been off target in their opening four matches .
27 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
28 Both pilots had been off duty for a period of approximately thirty-five hours prior to the trans-Atlantic flight and had flown a total of just over seven hours on the day of the accident .
29 These carvings have been off display for many years as it was discovered that atmospheric pollution , even within the museum , was eating away at the stone .
30 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
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