Example sentences of "been [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
2 Fortunately for Quinn , Sam was a trained agent , and had been through her apprenticeship in stake-out duties , than which nothing is more boring .
3 All of the external verifiers selected to participate in the pilot have been through our induction training and have considerable experience in external verification .
4 We 've been through his tax arrangements .
5 How and when his link with Newcastle was established is not clear — it might have been through his employment to complete the London house which Kent had designed for the duke 's brother , Henry Pelham [ q.v. ] , after Kent 's death in 1748 — but there is plentiful evidence of the connection .
6 Is it possible that bolt in my arm should have been through my heart ? ’
7 ‘ Of course I have been through my brother 's documents , household accounts , memoranda and letters .
8 I 've been through my neighbourhood , where they 've torn down liquor stores and burnt down everything .
9 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
10 Perhaps they 've been for their walk , this one looks as if he 's so old he can hardly !
11 Had it not been for her chance meeting with Estabrook — who saw through her tumbling , distracted manner to the woman she was — she might well have taken her own life .
12 ‘ If it had n't been for her courage and fortitude in going out there and taking on the role of investigator , private detective and motivator , those files would still be closed and the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person . ’
13 She would have welcomed both had it not been for her vow of return .
14 Carrie knew how hard it had been for her father , who had spent almost thirty-seven years as a horsekeeper for Galloway , to look for other employment .
15 When Aunt Lilian wrote to tell him of my mother 's death — she said she had died from pneumonia — he sent a wreath of lilies and a letter , saying that if it had not been for her tuition , he would not be where he was now .
16 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
17 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
18 Had it not been for his desire to sound Eleanor out on the subject of Liza , he felt he could easily have done so .
19 If it had n't been for his quick-mindedness , he said , goodness knows what scandal might not have ensued .
20 He eventually became a prebend of St. Paul 's and Archdeacon of Leicester ; had it not been for his friendship with Bishop Crewe who sympathized with the Stuarts , he could have expected to become a bishop .
21 He guided Alexandra out of the kitchen and along a passage so dark that if it had not been for his hand on her elbow , she would not have known where she was going .
22 Lauda and Ferrari were supreme in 1975 and Lauda 's five wins , including three in succession , were enough to take him on to his first world title , a title he would surely have retained had it not been for his accident at the Nurburgring .
23 They 'd have sacked him , if it had n't been for his war-record — it would n't have looked good .
24 The plan had been for his son ( Frederick William ) Robin ( born 1936 ) , who succeeded as third earl and was himself the author of an excellent life of William Wilberforce [ q.v. ] , to complete it .
25 He 'll have been for his interview and for his wages in Calper today .
26 ‘ If it had n't been for your interference she would still be alive . ’
27 Been for my test today he say , and I failed .
28 ( I should point out that had it not been for my sister Etty , who had financed this latest venture , there would have been no printing business . )
29 I do n't know how I 'd 've coped if it had n't been for my mum .
30 And I would n't have if it had n't been for my mother
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