Example sentences of "have [vb pp] that we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The more Ukrainian records I have bought , the more I have realised that we 're really only dipping into it in a superficial way .
2 Surely after three years with the Glens you have realised that we supporters also see Linfield as a superior team with superior resources .
3 Throughout this book , I have emphasized that we must not think of genes as conscious , purposeful agents .
4 I have stressed that we construct a context from the deixis of the text ( a context being the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of the utterance ) ; but the initial elements of the utterance must be more dense in terms of pragmatic activity .
5 We have said that we will consider stabilising our CO&sub2 ; emissions earlier than our existing conditional target of 2005 .
6 Er yes I , I er I think I , I could n't really speak definitely on this but er you I have said that we , you know that this secretary encouraged them because you know , to keep it in and even the one woman said this was how she got a deposit for her house and through , as I say , you 'd got a Co-op building society as well .
7 We have said that we recognise that high energy prices may have to play a part in a strategy for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
8 We have said that we have never been committed — it is not something new — to paying the full fees , however high .
9 The hon. Gentleman is unfair to claim that we have said that we shall not take action .
10 Traditionally , psychologists have said that we cope with this by organising experienced stimuli into a limited number of categories or concepts .
11 Illustrating the links between business and education , and I have said that we are a major business in the area we have probably stronger links with education than any other business that I can think of , and they are going to be sa singing our praises so we are going to putting quite a big display in the in the fashion centre .
12 Now we have seen that we can use Xd in place of X , where d is an arbitrary diagonal matrix ; and it therefore follows that unc is also diagonal .
13 You have seen that we were waiting for you .
14 It is Schüssler Fiorenza who has been foremost among those who have argued that we should promote a solidarity of sisterhood with the women of the earliest Christian community .
15 Just because contemporary reality does not readily correspond to some of the classical notions of what democracy is , some twentieth-century writers have argued that we need to revise our conception of democracy itself , to suit what is realistically possible in modern advanced societies .
16 Firstly , we need to recall that a feature of modernity is that infant mortality rates have dropped , people live longer , and medicine and improved diet have ensured that we have healthy populations .
17 A succession of Conservative Home Secretaries have ensured that we now have the largest prison building programme this century , with nine prisons built and 4,000 places provided , and 12 new prisons on the way .
18 These assumptions have ensured that we have little direct evidence about the social composition or the ideological profile of the Conservative party membership .
19 But as a result of suppressing these qualities , managers have ensured that we have built a low-wage , low-skilled workforce lacking in self-reliance and self-esteem .
20 On the basis of this review , we have decided that we shall no longer accord recognition to governments .
21 But it 's the group that have decided that we 'll have eighty five items .
22 It is for that reason , I believe , that the Government have decided that we should maintain the present system .
23 The Executive Committee have decided that we should be represented and a static display stand has been booked for the five days .
24 Most liberals have thought that we , unfortunately , needed the firm yoke of the law to ensure that the interests of weaker individuals and groups were not substantially harmed by the irresponsible attitudes and actions of the more powerful .
25 We have thought that we were on the brink of the final synthesis at least twice before .
26 and I think it 's perhaps important to start with that we go with something that 's a little bit open-ended that we can review in a years time er , perhaps a little bit later and say well look we have shown that we can do it valuably er the proof is in the pudding , it now beholds everybody to do it this way .
27 In this chapter , I have shown that we do not have to think of academic freedom in this way .
28 Taiwan is one of the most Westernised countries in this region , and our last few surveys have shown that we 're attracting an extensive local listenership now , covering an age-group ranging from mid-teens to late thirties , so we want to ditch a lingering perception that we exist solely for the benefit of non-nationals .
29 Experiments have shown that we tend to hear speech as more rhythmical than it actually is , and one suspects that this is what the proponents of the stress-timed rhythm theory have been led to do in their auditory analysis of English rhythm .
30 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
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