Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The sexual proclivities of no other prime minister have aroused quite the same kind of obsessive inquiry …
2 ‘ Then , Benedict , you have heard only the scandalous tale .
3 Up to now I have heard only the few reluctant words in the lane .
4 In view of these limitations , and knowing Father 's esteem for conciseness , I have listed here the revised round of duties he will from now on be expected to perform . ’
5 They have dismissed even the manifest economic growth generated by his policies , certain that any wealth created must have gone straight into his or his cronies ' pockets .
6 We have gathered together the largest and most spectacular collection of Indian BANJARA embroidery ever to be shown in the UK .
7 Whilst both sets of traditions talk in personal terms of God , it seems that the Near Eastern religions , perhaps because of a stronger sense of historical progress , have developed further the idea of God as an historical agent — someone who has revealed His hand by associating with particular events and claiming them as His own .
8 Thus we have witnessed recently the end of an era here , with the closure of the studio complex in Windmill Lane , which for so long had set the trends .
9 Similar regulations and procedures have delayed both the promotion and dismissal of staff and have hampered the ZBS by failing to provide it with adequate transport when needed at short notice .
10 When Peter makes the point that the non-Jews have received exactly the same gift of the Holy Spirit as the Jewish Christians , the logic is inescapable .
11 PGSS and Makaton have received perhaps the least evaluation .
12 Members in AIB Bank , in Britain , have received perhaps the greatest blow yet delivered to them , when the Mediator dealing with their outstanding salary claim came forward with his Recommendation .
13 Recent studies have examined separately the influence of H pylori and age on both gastric function and histology but the complex inter-relationship between H pylori infection , gastric morphology , gastric secretory function , and ageing have not been well defined .
14 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
15 for centuries they have stifled almost the whole of humanity in the name of a so-called spiritual experience .
16 I hear from those who have not been imprisoned in the debate for a long time that the electronic media have reported well the exchanges that took place .
17 I am in no doubt about that , particularly as I have toured regularly the difficult areas in all parts of the country .
18 India have won both the Calcutta and Madras Tests preparing conditions to suit their three specialist spinners .
19 Since Swales took over at Maine Road 20 years ago , City have won only the League Cup and more than a dozen managers have come and gone , including Peter Reid who was sacked last month .
20 So far we have considered only the extent to which changes in stimulus effectiveness might be revealed by changes in the ability of a stimulus to evoke its UR ; but , according to the theory , a loss of effectiveness will have other effects .
21 The examiner can not give credit for irrelevancy , because that would be unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were asked .
22 ‘ I take an interest in chess and I have met both the players .
23 But it is not only the artists and the entertainers who have recapitulated , for their own purposes , the fabulous elements in primitive tradition ; the academic writers , the learned purveyors of supposedly factual knowledge , have done just the same .
24 She is very proud of being the first person ever to sit on her ; Pauline broke the pony and the two have done all the training since , with professional help in the later stages from instructor Mal Kendall .
25 I think you have seen already the EOC 's concern expressed about what is happening in things like women 's centres .
26 We have seen exactly the same psychological process in palaeontology , where the fashionable fixation for homoeomorphy in many groups brainwashed many of us into thinking : " if they look alike they ca n't be related " !
27 Although as we have seen earlier the decorative qualities of gold could be explored by direct hammering , the archaeological record shows that goldsmithing of a sophisticated kind in fact developed in communities which practised copper or bronze metallurgy .
28 As we have seen only the papers relevant to the subject of our review , we are not able to judge how the assessment machinery deals with areas of higher priority , but we believe that , in dealing with Argentina and the Falkland Islands , it was too passive in operation to respond quickly and critically to a rapidly changing situation which demanded urgent attention .
29 The name Champagne comes from the Latin campagna , signifying open , unforested land : an ambiguous origin for those who have seen only the hilly vineyards of Champagne surmounted by forest .
30 The watermen have seen first-hand the decline of grasses : the disappearance of the shad and trout and the dwindling number of striped bass , blue crab and oyster .
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