Example sentences of "have such a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah you 're absolutely booked up , I have to , I 'm sorry I forgot you have such a taxing social life with Stuart yeah definitely , er people listening to this could get the wrong idea I think but this is , this is normal conversation
2 Does the fact that you have such a distinctive sound confine you in any way ?
3 Many owls have such a perfect sense of hearing that they can locate and catch small creatures in the pitch dark , landing upon them with the claws correctly aligned to grasp them along the spine .
4 Next , to fill out the curve , I used the lovely Alchemilla alpina leaves since they have such a perfect silver finish .
5 Few other medical schools have such a successful record of attracting research funds .
6 You see , I live such a pleasant life and have such a marvellous group of friends , English and American : I live a wonderful comfortable life , I work with nice people whom I can choose to work with .
7 It appears that play begins during the period when the separation between consciousness and unconsciousness is becoming more deeply dichotomized , and that , following the development of language , objects never again have such a prominent place in our articulation or self-expression .
8 Llanelli can probably get over the difficulty as they have such a talented squad , although others might find it less easy .
9 Although viruses have such a simple structure , biologists do not conclude that they are necessarily ‘ primitive ’ ; that is , that they evolved a very long time ago as precursors of more complex organisms .
10 ‘ You have such a nice way of putting things , ’ Newman commented .
11 FEW PLACES have such a gentle and equable climate that animals living there never need seek shelter ; and few animals are so well-armed that they do not welcome somewhere to hide from their enemies or a safe nursery for their young .
12 You have such a good figure ! ’
13 But I have such a good friend here in Madame Rodet . ’
14 have such a good time .
15 Generally speaking cannons have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about .
16 But boys have such a long range , Clelia , do pick up that crust .
17 ‘ We are always on a knife-edge with injuries because we have such a small squad , ’ said Griffiths .
18 ‘ I love big noses because I have such a small one myself .
19 Another lettuce then courgette never had so much but I really adore them in the Maybe that 's I have such a small treat you see That 's
20 Schools may feel powerless to alter a situation in which wider economic and political forces have such a crucial influence .
21 That is why we have had so many research studies in this area , and why we have such a wide variety of interesting cases of both successful and less successful projects which are extremely valuable starting points for analysis .
22 The foregoing both explains why Wulfstan 's legal texts have such a homiletic tone , and raises considerable doubts whether they were really the means by which Æthelred 's government implemented its decisions .
23 We have such a moral obligation ; most people believe that .
24 They can not easily be used to describe those events outside of us , like our social circumstances or what psychiatrists call ‘ life events ’ , that have such a critical impact on our emotions .
25 The life of a business or operation may also be at risk for few industries have such a strong and demanding legal code where failure to comply may result in immediate closure or prosecution .
26 The first complication is the fact that we have such a strong compulsion to celebrate the relationship before it is completely established .
27 We are not prepared to listen to lectures on human rights from people who have such a callous attitude to human life .
28 You have such a lucid style .
29 Double-handed weapons are a good option because Ogres have such a low initiative they usually end up striking last anyway .
30 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
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