Example sentences of "have been [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 Such occurrences have been rare at the Masters but we must eliminate them entirely if our patrons are to continue to merit their reputation as the most knowledgeable and considerate in the world . ’
2 I have been present at occasions of celebration when poets and singers — there is often no distinction since poems tend to be sung or chanted — have made up verses on the spot and provided a seemingly endless number of embellishments .
3 Certainly not by direct experience , for few who ‘ know ’ about schoolroom or football violence have been present at its manifestations .
4 ‘ I have been alarmed at the easy way the Labour Party has in recent years allowed certain factions in society to dictate to them the philosophical approach they should be following .
5 The reason that sales have not boomed is that many customers have been disappointed at what robots do for them .
6 Nigel Griffiths said : ‘ Even monarchists have been disappointed at the sort of behaviour from some members of the Royal Family .
7 Those in industry and those who are concerned about our future in Europe have been disappointed at the level of debate .
8 US firms have been incensed at the number and size of claims filed against thrifts ' professional advisers by RTC , and have accused the government of targeting them as ‘ deep pockets ’ in an attempt to recover some of the billions of dollars US taxpayers lost when the S&L industry collapsed .
9 The settlers have been shocked at the ease with which the idea of withdrawal from some or all of the Heights has gained currency in mainstream politics .
10 She attested in September 1939 that ‘ universally , householders have been shocked at the disgraceful and disgusting conditions in which a certain portion of the population lives ’ , and that ‘ the low slum type form the majority of the mothers , some out for what they can get , most of them dirty , many of them idle and unwilling to work or pull their weight ’ .
11 For example , analyses of expenditure to client group have been available at the national level since the mid-1970s .
12 The effects of the net changes in social class have been modelled explicitly for the university sector in a number of forecasts ( Diamond and Smith , 1982 , 1984 ; Diamond , 1985 ; AUT , 1983 ; Collins , 1983 ) as well as implicitly by the DES ( 1984a , b , 1986b ) .4 These effects have been the most important single factor for which data have been available at a national level albeit only for the university sector .
13 Charlton have been unbeatable at home …
14 In Britain the other terms referred to by Miller , ‘ society ’ and ‘ culture ’ , have been familiar at least since the 1950s , which saw the early work of Hoggart and Williams and the cultural climate of the New Left , which in turn drew on Scrutiny and the Victorian debates on the Condition of England .
15 Notebooks out plagiarists while I reveal the secret of NME 's enduring success : some music papers have been good at treating Rock as An Art Form , others have been great at capturing the essential triviality , sensuality and sheer stupidity of pop ; NME , when it 's been at its best , has managed to combine the two things without going stark staring schizo-bonkers .
16 They have been skilful at going along with , not at question-ing or confronting the routines .
17 As a long-term contributor to the feature we have always taken pains to ensure that the rates we have quoted have been correct at the time of the survey ( usually December ) .
18 Cardboard cutout policemen have been known to reduce shoplifting in supermarkets , and cardboard patrol cars have been effective at slowing down motorway speeders .
19 While insurers have been effective at repelling banks as a group , they seem to be less successful at denying individual banks access to their turf .
20 It dates from the days of Charlemagne , Charles the Great , who signed a treaty of mutual assistance with the legendary Scots King Achaius against the Saxons about 800 A.D. In historical times the links between Scotland and France have been close at every level from the monarchy , to trade and language .
21 Cold polar land environments are relatively new ; though cold mountain environments may have existed throughout the earth 's history , until the current glacial period polar regions have been temperate at sea level .
22 Notebooks out plagiarists while I reveal the secret of NME 's enduring success : some music papers have been good at treating Rock as An Art Form , others have been great at capturing the essential triviality , sensuality and sheer stupidity of pop ; NME , when it 's been at its best , has managed to combine the two things without going stark staring schizo-bonkers .
23 What we have been successful at and particularly important in point of view is that we have been successful in keeping Whitchurch within the rural development areas , and , and retaining the status of the available which that gives .
24 I have ample evidence that persons who are very aware of matters of public interest in general have been unaware at a critical stage of the washed-over status at that time of Skelton .
25 Traditionally database management systems have been excellent at decision support .
26 EVER since the US presidential election , the news and social commentators have been busy at the old old story of explaining the use of words by the Americans .
27 ‘ The bag is gone forever but I have been able at least to recover this . ’
28 Many is the time I have been able at my grandmother 's table to lick my fingers after eating a cream coronet upon a precedent established by good Queen Mary who had been observed doing such a thing by no less than my grandmother when visiting the big house .
29 ln ‘ A ’ Shop , Corporal Tait and his crew of two vehicle mechanics have been hard at work for three hours ; having inspected and confirmed that a new engine is needed , they are well on their way to having the first CV12 pack stripped apart .
30 NORTHERN Ireland 's future sports champions have been hard at training — in the classroom !
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