Example sentences of "have never [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In all my professional experience of giving support to troubled marriages , I have never met any couple who were not able to make considerable strides forward if both were genuinely willing to give attention , to the issues underlying their discomfort and conflict and make the changes necessary for health and growth .
2 I confess I have never met any woman as shrewish or as critical as you ! ’
3 ‘ In truth , sir , it is very difficult for me to judge , ’ she said , ‘ owing to the fact I have never met any people like you before . ’
4 In all the times I 've been down here , I have never heard that sound before .
5 We listened to my mother talking to her successor , and I have never heard such an example of civilisation and restraint .
6 I cos quite frankly I have never heard such an exciting R S P C A man as that last one so I do n't expect to get much response to that .
7 I have never heard this case made in anything like the explicit fashion in which I have just outlined it , and I do not think it ever would be publicly made .
8 ‘ I know who John Thaw is of course , ’ he said , ‘ but I have never heard any gossip about him buying a house here .
9 ‘ As for the claims about Prince Edward , I have never heard any suggestion that he 's gay .
10 Alzheimer patients may never present to medical attention but die in the community either undiagnosed or cared for by relatives who have never sought medical investigation .
11 And so far they have NEVER played live .
12 And so far they have NEVER played live .
13 I have never accepted that .
14 The Alliss ' have never accepted that outcome , and now they 're taking civil action to claim damages against the Maules .
15 The Alliss ' have never accepted that outcome , and now they 're taking civil action to claim damages against the Maules .
16 Tylers have never recognized any union and are well known for the low rates and poor conditions that they impose on their workers .
17 I 've been in the game for eight years and have never tasted such a chilling fear .
18 Suffice it to say that Devon Loch gave Dick Francis a dream ride , as the jockey related in his autobiography The Sport of Queens : ‘ I have never ridden another horse like him .
19 Beta has a B8-type spectrum , and is about 100 times as luminous as the Sun ; it is often said to be the only naked-eye star which is greenish in colour , though I have never noted this either with or without optical aid , and to me Beta always looks white .
20 Mortal , I have never felt such great power wielded .
21 I have never felt such rage for M — even that day when she was drunk and hit me in front of that hateful boy Peter Catesby .
22 Dear Rosemary , ‘ I thought you would like to know that I 'm still following your diet ( almost anyway and I have never felt better for years .
23 ‘ You have never felt this before ? ’
24 So Famlio and other criminals have never felt able to plunder the place directly .
25 In August 1869 he wrote to his mother : " I have never felt happier than during the last few days .
26 I have never liked any form of ‘ mystique ’ in therapy and always take great care to explain to my patients precisely what I am going to do , what I expect of them and what they are likely to experience .
27 That is why , according to Eliot , soda siphons from that firm — I have never checked this — bear on their labels some phrase to the effect that they had been thoroughly and exhaustively tested .
28 short legs and we have never denied this .
29 These antibodies are found in patients who have never received parenteral gangliosides .
30 The problem with this is that many managers and other PC users have never received formal keyboard training .
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