Example sentences of "have even [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , the distance between London and Brighton is not very great , and you have even been seen in the vicinity of Brighton , so why not call in on an old friend ?
2 Humpback whales have even been seen to weave a snare of air-bubbles — a bubble net .
3 High-speed computer networks and the relative cost of producing machine-readable information forced isolated communities and computer platforms to talk to one another ; representatives from Apple and IBM have even been seen together around the same table .
4 It is the same with printed material : questions have even been asked in Parliament .
5 A few attempts have even been made to use the feminine form as the unmarked form in English .
6 Some have even been tempted to transfer these old contracts into newer personal pensions , despite all the costs associated with discontinuing the contract and starting a new one , and the possible downsides such as a lower amount of tax-free cash under the new legislation .
7 The laws are kept because of our faith ; it is possible to see why they have even been called ‘ the secret of our survival ’ .
8 According to an article in the Telegraph Sunday Magazine ( Hall , 1987 ) some large housing estates , known to have violent inhabitants , have even been singled out as ‘ no-go ’ areas , where milk floats , postmen and repair men venture at their peril .
9 There are no screen credits at the beginnings of dreams to tell you what sort of film you are going to see , but there might as well have been in these nightmares , because the tenor , horror or guilt is excruciatingly present before the first scenes have even been played .
10 They have even been mistaken for a very loose cluster , though in fact they are not really associated with each other .
11 Specimens up to a foot in length have even been recorded .
12 Kick-offs have even been delayed to fit in with Sky TV advertisements .
13 But Ossis have even been denied sought-after representational jobs too , like president or vice-president of the Bundestag .
14 A number of public sector pay awards have been treated leniently through supplementary estimates being granted , or have even been placed outside the limits .
15 Many of these will be lost forever , before they have even been named .
16 The concept of grandiose municipal display can no longer be accepted ; doubts have even been cast on the Balkerne Gate at Colchester , long regarded as ‘ the largest monument of its kind in Britain , unmatched in size and preservation … ’
17 A number from the famous Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of western Canada are so strange that they have even been claimed as the representatives of ‘ extinct phyla ’ .
18 The fact that the first components in the structure are syllabuses for four individual subjects which have been placed in position before the other components ( subjects and cross-curricular themes ) have even been sketched out , confirms that the approach is ad hoc .
19 Langford and Williams ' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society , SPAB , and the Georgian Group ; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts .
20 They will also eat birds ' eggs , hen and duck eggs , slugs , millipedes , earwigs , small mammals and birds , and have even been known to attack adult hens and pheasants .
21 The mother may object and females have even been known to kill the complete litter in consequence .
22 If you decide to stock the pond with fish , frogs may only become a nuisance in the spring , as unattached male frogs can cling onto the fish , causing them distress and have even been known to suffocate them by clamping onto their gills .
23 In fact , some climbers have even been known to crash their cars into them . ’
24 You lay the breakfast the night before , you have even been known to light the gas under the kettle for tomorrow 's tea , wishing that by breakfast time everything could be over …
25 Some PROs have even been known to send pictures out to radio stations !
26 They have even been known to raid the picnic basket if I am overly engrossed over a little ‘ hot spot ’ I have found .
27 On rare occasions family members have even been known to take alcohol or drugs into treatment centres " to lessen the suffering " or " because we were asked " .
28 They have even been known to depart from the Stricter paths of truth Sometimes — in a good cause , of course . "
29 Now , after living in the house for nine years , some rooms need redecorating before the others have even been revamped for the first time .
30 The qualities have even been described as ‘ so vague as to be virtually meaningless , at least without being transposed into much more explicit features ’ ( Farmer , 1974 , p. 185 ) .
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