Example sentences of "have always [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We have always had a middle range approach ( in Merton 's sense ) at — though we have always been weighted to social institutions and the applied end .
2 The remaining 42 vessels have always been registered in the United Kingdom , but were purchased by the companies in question on various dates , mainly since 1983 .
3 Matters of general interest have always been reserved here .
4 In order to calculate what your entitlement to the additonal reg=additional pension is , the DHSS starts by assuming that you have always been contracted in .
5 Furthermore , they would point to the fact that downturns have been relatively temporary and have always been followed by a return to high levels of expenditure .
6 ‘ I have always been tested before or after competition and I am prepared to be tested any time by the IAAF . ’
7 The significance and the complexities of the relationship which gives rise to the caring , and the importance of understanding what both parties wish for in the relationship , have always been emphasized by carers ' organizations .
8 And remember , they are all products of Pakistan 's domestic cricket competitions , which are competed for by the commercial organisations and regional teams which have always been condemned by Imran — who for the last decade had not played domestic cricket in Pakistan .
9 I think fashions have changed but I think people 's attitude 's have n't really changed , people have always been striving to improve their , their appearance , even like in Roman times when they used coal and , and
10 Harriman and his interpreter , Bernod Walters , found Mossadeq engaging but almost impossible as an interlocutor , On one occasion he remarked , " Irans 's problems have always been caused by foreigners , The whole think began with that Greek , Alexander . "
11 The lighting and keeping of the hearth fire have always been given significance in human culture ; the Greeks named their goddess of the hearth Hestia , later to be replaced by the Roman Vesta , whose handmaidens were the famous Vestal Virgins .
12 Climbing walls in the past have always been given short change from sports centres and the Sports Council .
13 ‘ I have always been prepared for that .
14 But we have always been looking for the cause of the extra 40 per cent .
15 On 3 October 1838 , Charles Darwin wrote in his N notebook that ‘ to study Metaphysics , as they have always been studied appears to me to be like puzzling at astronomy without mechanics …
16 In America treacherous and corruptible insiders have always been seen as a potential danger .
17 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
18 He may also act on the principle that ‘ things have always been done this way ’ and justify his actions accordingly .
19 The authority for doing things this way lies in the fact that they have always been done this way and so questioning is not encouraged .
20 I have always been led to believe that we must pay due regard to a Bill 's title .
21 This will never be an easy concept for people who have always been led [ and perhaps not very well led ! ] but who are very capable of leading themselves .
22 The requests have always been turned down usually for financial reasons .
23 Until recently , the Aborigines have always been regarded as little more than the exceptional survivors of prehistoric man , a view based primarily on the materialistic aspects of their culture , its ‘ hardware ’ .
24 Because English solicitors have always been regarded as ‘ competent persons ’ in this and similar contexts , the familiar common law practice of effecting service via a solicitor in the state of destination is in fact covered by this provision , but it is very doubtful if this strikes the consciousness of anyone concerned in the operation .
25 Priests have always been regarded as healers of the mind , and even their modern equivalents in the psychoanalytic movement are similarly preoccupied with the dreams of their patients .
26 NILTs have always been regarded as representing the acceptable face of tribunals .
27 A lifelong supporter , I have always been regarded as a tactical genius by the Duck and Forceps regulars and , from day one , my appointment has brought renewed hope to the terraces .
28 Schools , and especially primary schools , have always been regarded as essential to a concept of a complete community , and many schools have taken their responsibilities and opportunities in this regard very seriously .
29 It is almost certainly true to say that there never was any significant period when god worship and religion were as modern man would wish them to be , but instead , that they have always been corrupted , to some extent , to support greed and excess .
30 The essence of Sunday trading legislation has always been to protect shop workers , who traditionally have always been abused .
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