Example sentences of "have to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so what I have to is an executor appointed provided he lived in the country for instance because his address was abroad at the time .
2 There 's no doubt that to operate these schemes you have to be a sensitive lender . ’
3 They have to be a good thing for anyone who is content to be out of shares and keep part of their money in liquid money funds ’ .
4 The condition : you have to be a Tory party supporter .
5 Have to be a stewards ’ enquiry , ’ he said painfully .
6 If this is the case , then , as Rachel Adler has asked , does there not have to be a ‘ recovenanting ’ between Israel and God in order to fully and explicitly include Jewish women ?
7 It is a kind of brainwashing , because underneath the ad for the chocolate is another kind of message , saying you must be slim , heterosexual , white ; you have to be a certain class , have money .
8 This aeroplane costs the price of ten Ferrari 348s , but you have to be a bit of an expert in engineering and aerodynamics to see where the money goes , so elegant and refined is the blending of shapes , forms and functions .
9 ‘ By the way , you have to be a member to get in the Garrick .
10 NB : To buy these wines you have to be a member of the Wine Society .
11 Granted , you have to be a fan of the Marshall sound to really appreciate it , but there 's no denying the quality and the versatility of its sounds .
12 Perhaps you just have to be a little more patient ?
13 Well , life has changed since then , and people now have to be a little bit wary when they meet strangers or find themselves in unusual places or situations .
14 ‘ We have to be a bit more incisive out wide but at least after our poor start to the League season we seem to be getting it together at last . ’
15 I think when you 've been once burnt — or in my case , four times burnt — then you have to be a bit careful .
16 But once it catches on it gets dissipated , and people start thinking ‘ in order to be angry , you have to be a child ’ .
17 As Eugenius would probably say themselves , does there have to be a f—ing reason ?
18 ‘ Will there have to be a post mortem ? ’
19 Virtually , every West Indian family tells their sons and daughters that they have to be a doctor or a lawyer .
20 To explore why this should be so , we first have to be a bit more precise .
21 To understand it you have to be a psychologist .
22 Living systems certainly have physical components but you have to be a very thoroughgoing reductionist to feel happy with the notion that biology ( and anthropology ) are nothing but , admittedly elaborate , corollaries to physics .
23 have to be a little parcel wo n't it ?
24 I have to be a little careful about it , because Miss Hinkle will disapprove if she does n't like the way I look .
25 ‘ The point of law referred for consideration by the court is : in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer to the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held there ?
26 ‘ In order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer from the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein ?
27 When we use fractions in our everyday life they have to be a fraction of something .
28 Because er , inevitably man has got ta leave their home , even if they 've had a father erm who 's been a if they 've had no father at all , they 're gon na leave and they 're gon na face a world where they have to be a man and they 're gon na have to find their own male morals , and I think the , the responsibility , basically , has got ta come to men to change not for us to change them .
29 You have to be a member for two years .
30 As my Hon. Friend the Member for Aberdeen , North ( Mr. Hughes ) capably said , a local authority does not have any such option because its dealings have to be a matter of public record .
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