Example sentences of "'s the one that " in BNC.

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1 If Bob 's taking ‘ Zen Arcade ’ then I wo n't need that , but I might need a shot of ‘ Metal Circus ’ — that 's the one that always got me charged up … ’
2 That 's the one that really worries me .
3 Then it 's the one that 's bound to annoy .
4 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
5 Yeah , that 's the one that I keep .
6 That 's the one that 's going down south .
7 He 's the one that done it and they do n't want to know no different . ’
8 Once you 've got that fourth equation in from all this lot adds up to the total , and that 's the one that you seem to be forgetting , that 's the one you 've got to try and remember .
9 He 's the one that
10 that 's the one that it 's the one that bothers me .
11 that 's the one that it 's the one that bothers me .
12 It 's the one that gives you your worst fears , is n't it , when you conduct it , and you go and nothing happens .
13 And , as all marketing people know , it 's not always the first into the market that succeeds — more often than not it 's the one that shouts the loudest
14 It 's the one that holds my … "
15 That 's the one that uses it .
16 well , and he 's the one that 'll make the decision I think cos he 's got hold of the money .
17 There 's the one that says you can get up to two years for ‘ incitement to disaffection ’ .
18 She 's the one that 's making us out of work .
19 That 's the one that you see in this er book you know . .
20 No that 's Ben that 's the one that 's nearly three .
21 But everybody was happy there , and er , till this came along , he 's the one that wanted us to work for less .
22 I agree with you , this is an astonishing kind of re-interpretation of Freud , but it 's , but it 's the one that was produced .
23 It 's the one that 's all embracing or all encompassing .
24 Isobel : Ann Teacher : That 's the one that Johnnie just named [ implication : " That does n't count " ] ( 29 ) ( Beginning of a telephone conversation ) Caller : ( ( rings ) ) Receiver : Hello Caller : Hello [ implication : " I know who you are , and you can tell from my voice who I am " ] Receiver : Oh hi [ implication : " Yes , I know who you are " ]
25 and the , the free papers I mean that 's the one that goes through all the doors
26 And then that 's the one that you gave us copies cos you had you said you were gon na get five
27 that 's golf that 's schools , that 's the one that you would use obviously .
28 This contract is applicable across , no that 's that no that 's the one that 's the one that we use on .
29 That 's the that 's the one that prints the catalogue and then personalizes it .
30 We 've got a photograph of Julie taken er very shortly after the incident it 's the one that everybody saw yesterday , have a look .
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