Example sentences of "'s not say they " in BNC.

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1 He also sees a rosy future for superstores : ‘ Superstores wo n't take the same percentage of the market as in the US , but that 's not to say they wo n't do well — they will .
2 That 's not to say they do n't want things they 're not currently getting .
3 ‘ They come and go a bit silently , of course , but that 's not to say they 're furtive . ’
4 I mean that 's not to say they 're not still a threat but at the moment er Leicester are starting to boss the game again and that 's the important to them .
5 well the brochures became , were dated each year , the service charge , a date was put on the service charges each year , that 's not to say they were , th they automatically changed , it depends on how long the scheme had been open
6 That 's not to say they are things that are happening this month that , that I have n't planned for three months ago .
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