Example sentences of "'s a [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 There 's a sense in which editors are very good at deciding what headlines are , and there 's , there 's a sense which you ca n't do a great deal about it .
2 It 's a courtesy which is important .
3 ‘ If it 's so easy for Rain Morgan of the Daily Post to get at the truth , it 's a secret which ca n't be kept . ’
4 Er I th I think if the honourable member pays attention he will appreciate that the boundaries are the nub of the issue in terms of er electoral systems and the common electoral system to which this country is a signatory in agreeing that that should be where we are er headed , is a principle which I believe that this er commission should have been asked to address , it should have been what was happening er at this time in the history of the European parliament , should have happened long ago but sadly it 's a principle which both Labour and Conservative governments in the past have preferred to ignore frankly for their own electoral benefit .
5 Where 's a , if you can get a I forget what it 's called now , they advertise in erm er is it Telegraph , Times it 's a newspaper which is just for jobs abroad .
6 If you drive from er I remember being stopped by one of those men in the dark glasses erm if you drive from Maine into New Hampshire the speed limit in Maine is sixty five and the speed limit in New Hampshire is fifty five and you just cross a si er y there 's a signpost which says welcome to Maine or New Hampshire , whichever way you 're going , and the second you cross that line , theoretically , you have adjust to the different speed limit .
7 There 's a mystique which has built up about it .
8 There 's a mystique which has built up about it .
9 But it 's a technique which can be used in many different ways , for example :
10 It 's a rivalry which can only become fiercer : the connoisseur 's eye versus technology 's bag of tricks .
11 ‘ There 's a film which will be released here soon , a Hitchcock-type thriller called ‘ Doctor Giggles ’ , and we did a remake of an old song for it written by Moon Martin , called Bad Case Of Loving You .
12 Like early Scorsese , or some David Mamet , it 's a film which shows the limits of a certain kind of masculinity .
13 It 's a contract which the community is well aware of as the brewer has invited local people to come up with a name for the new pub .
14 It 's a passage which reads as follows .
15 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
16 Basically , it 's a CD which you insert in your IBM player on an Apple Mac , and you have eighty tracks plus all the videos .
17 It 's a threat which puts miners at greater risk of contracting crippling lung diseases .
18 Now there 's a title which says what it is , but booksellers should beware of Longman 's Think Ahead to First certificate where the sequel ( Think First Certificate ) was published first .
19 And of course it 's a budget which is on an attitude towards the Parkside Pool problem which we disagree with therefore in no way do we support it .
20 WH : ‘ It 's a subject which should be covered . ’
21 and it 's , it 's a subject which I 've enjoyed doing a lot , English ,
22 Well it 's a very specialized boat in a sense , I mean it goes on the surface of the water and it literally goes on the surface of the water , it 's a hovercraft is a sort of a it 's a vessel which has got a skirt all round it
23 ‘ It 's a problem which is acute in my own country and which , I am told , is beginning to afflict you here . ’
24 Beefy will report fit for today 's fourth Texaco Trophy clash with Pakistan , but skipper Graham Gooch said : ‘ It 's a problem which has troubled Ian for some time .
25 It 's a problem which applies to all young photographers apparently , not just operating in the music field .
26 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that erm they totally solve the problem of what to do with the brighter children , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes because the sort of pupil we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptional in their own right .
27 Although it 's a problem which has existed for a long , long time , do you do any work in connection with refugees ?
28 It 's going to offend a lot of people , and it 's a problem which I 'm sure exercises a lot of minds .
29 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that they totally solved the problem of what to do with the brighter child , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes , because the sort of pupils we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptions in their own right — we 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen/ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in a streamed situation .
30 All in all , it 's a service which is now attracting over £100m a day from businesses across the country .
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