Example sentences of "have [be] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well what would the original Gaelic have been for that ?
2 After all , the Elphbergs are the royal family of Ruritania , and have been for hundreds of years .
3 The Faroe Islands are self-governing , but have been for many years a colony of Denmark , and still rely on the government of the old mother country for international representation .
4 Many are extremely tense , not only since the infarct , but have been for many years , and it is possible that the inward tension that they suffer has been a contributory factor to their disease .
5 These will be concerns for his successor as David will take his leave of the Education Department at the end of July and his immediate plans are more leisurely now than they have been for many years .
6 Erm , please , appalling and have been for many years and er the whole of the road needs to be done .
7 ‘ House repossessions are at no higher rate than they have been for many years , ’ he says .
8 " Scores of men are in a worse plight than they have been for thirty-seven years past " , admitted Harry Orbell , " The pawnshops are glutted .
9 These little shrubs are also known as ‘ hedgehog ’ hollies , and probably have been for all of the 300 years they have been grown in gardens .
10 Some of the most effective recruitment campaigns I have worked with have been for limited commitment .
11 The majority of systems that have been developed have been for restricted domains and small grammars .
12 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
13 However , those who are unemployed , especially if they have been for some time , may find it is more important to send out as many letters as possible , in the hope of getting some response .
14 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
15 ‘ I think you do follow us , ’ Cranston replied , ‘ and have been for some time .
16 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
17 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
18 Yes my children do go to school and have been for some months now .
19 Yes my children do go to school oh I was going to say , have been for some months now .
20 Well , we have been for some time .
21 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
22 ‘ Your kind are known to us , Doctor , and have been for longer than you can imagine . ’
23 Most records since 1947 have been for coastal districts , which perhaps just reflects the distribution of observers at the migration seasons .
24 To live in a beautiful country , and to enure myself as much as possible to the labour of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my sigh at midnight .
25 To live in a beautiful country & to inure myself as much as possible to the labors of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my Sigh at midnight — but to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear your 's , to be mingling identities with you , as it were ; — the vision-weaving Fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but Hope never dared whisper a promise ! ’
26 And I do n't think they have been for this last
27 The chances that he will get them out of a mire of their own making are as thin as their performances have been for most of the season .
28 Er the the room , the smallest room they have is for twenty five to thirty people
29 I have was for many years the national chairman of the Association of Independent Businesses .
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