Example sentences of "have [be] make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such deals have been made illegal in protest at the Noriega regime .
2 Anhydrite in minor quantities has been reported at different Devonian horizons in two wells in France and Belgium , and in more substantial thickness in the Dinantian in Belgium ( Massa and Oudin 1980 ) ; intriguing speculations have been made that halite might be present deeper in the Namur and Dinant basins .
3 Accusations have been made that bus drivers already flout speed limits on the estate .
4 Each side has maintained its own perceptual bubble but these have been made compatible so they fit together as a whole .
5 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
6 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
7 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
8 Special provisions will also ensure that those on modest incomes most of which comes from investments , such as people who have been made redundant , do not pay this 9% on their savings .
9 About 70,000 Mozambican migrant workers in South Africa have been made redundant and returned home , causing local unemployment and loss of remittances to state and families .
10 If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome .
11 However , if you have been made redundant or are long-term unemployed you need to understand the thinking behind the interviewer 's prejudices and strive to overcome them by demonstrating strongly that you are unemployed because of circumstances beyond your control , not because you yourself are inadequate .
12 To summarize : if you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long period :
13 Building societies will , generally , be sympathetic if you ask to suspend your mortgage payments for a fixed period because you have been made redundant or because you have a crisis .
14 ‘ One reason is because people who have been made redundant have more time to think up new inventions .
15 Hundreds of chartered accountants have been made redundant and with the surfeit of candidates competing for vacancies , employers have been able to reduce salaries in some cases .
16 First , it is quite obvious that there are a great many first-class candidates who have been made redundant .
17 Most FRES members support this view , saying that there is little evidence of discrimination against candidates who have been made redundant .
18 However , with the prolonged recession , many finance directors have been made redundant .
19 ‘ So many business have gone bust and so many people have been made redundant .
20 However , if you have been made redundant from a skilled or semi-skilled job you are eligible .
21 The 12 staff employed in European offices have been made redundant .
22 The twelve staff employed in European offices have been made redundant .
23 Six people have been made redundant at its European Headquarters in Egham , Surrey and two sales staff have gone from its office in Munich already .
24 The seminars proved especially beneficial to people who have been made redundant .
25 Yes , this has always been a problem , but it has become worse recently , I am afraid , because of the people who have been made redundant and who have come back from Germany .
26 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
27 But it was also the day an independent report suggested his defence cuts had led to far greater job losses than expected , especially in defence dependent areas like Gloucestershire where thousands have been made redundant from companies like Dowties and Smiths Industries .
28 In the past , some of Britain 's best known defence contracters have provided secure long term employment in the constituency , but thousands have been made redundant in the last two years .
29 She says ; I have been made redundant that is why I have all this in my hands .
30 Two workers at the Cockfield site have been made redundant but other employees have been transferred to the installation team .
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