Example sentences of "have [be] [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As for the law changes , I have watched games on television and have been impressed with the way in which the Southern Hemisphere countries have adapted to the new requirements .
2 Another boot which I have been impressed with is the Cima Vango , which gives a wide fit across the toes and is now produced with a highly water-resistant Anfibio leather .
3 Despite the short duration of follow up , we have been impressed with the effectiveness of TIPSS in controlling recurrent haemorrhage from oesophageal or gastric varices and portal hypertensive gastropathy .
4 I have been impressed with the way Wilkinson has built up the squad over the last few years .
5 This is good news for all women who have been unsuccessful with hip and thigh diets that concentrate mainly on dieting and calorie-counting .
6 The developed nations have been lavish with advice .
7 Many knitters who have experimented with weaving have been disappointed with the fabrics because they can be rather hard .
8 Once more , here , certain trade union members have been disappointed with the Commissioner 's ineffectual response to their complaints .
9 ‘ I have been disappointed with our results , but I would like to stay on and honour my contract which keeps me in the post until December 1994 , ’ said the Dutchman .
10 Considering the way TV screens have been awash with wistful trendy youth programmes , the popularity of such a brazenly tacky show is n't surprising .
11 Someone once said that you were n't much interested in politics except of the musical variety , of which you are a consummate master ; but you have been friendly with a number of leading politicians , including two British Prime Ministers .
12 Another effect of high fertility plus high mortality in the nineteenth century was a much wider age spread between siblings than we have been familiar with in the twentieth century , with the older siblings ( if they survived ) being on the verge of adulthood while their younger brothers and sisters were still being born .
13 I did get into a car the other day to drive to London to the Imperial War Museum to see an exhibition of work by Tony Carter and was excited by it , but my appreciation may have something to do with the fact that he was a student of mine so I have been familiar with his ideas over many years .
14 But the testing time has now arrived ; because for the first time posts of leadership in humanities departments are being taken up by a generation of scholars who have been familiar with the computer from their earliest schooldays , scholars who are neither frightened by , nor over-respectful of , the new powers which the computer has brought .
15 For generations , hourly paid employees in manufacturing industry have been familiar with the daily ritual of ‘ clocking ’ — the procedure of formally recording their time and attendance at work .
16 Most people have been familiar with its skyline since they were old enough to focus on a TV screen .
17 They use numeric pagers which have been pre-programmed with specific codes for each type of message .
18 As an enthusiastic Darwinian , I have been dissatisfied with explanations that my fellow-enthusiasts have offered for human behaviour .
19 For most of my time in the House , I have been dissatisfied with them in the same way as I was dissatisfied with private Bills .
20 Not the desire to destroy it , but rather to turn time back and let me never have been involved with it .
21 In my work I have been involved with many families who have needed to arrange a funeral .
22 Both , with Adrian Reynolds , the Horseshoe 's artistic director , have been involved with the lives of these two remarkable people for 15 years or more .
23 It is a while since the BCU have been involved with making films but the comeback is well handled and is a quality film , making up in the information supplied on what it lacks on the American squirt films .
24 We have felt very much a part of Queen 's Park during our 3 years in Glasgow , a lot of which is owed to our friends in the 2 fellowship groups which we have been involved with .
25 Members of the Commission who have been involved with Cafod 's Latin America Campaign , would like to share their enthusiasm and resources with any parish , womens group , ecumenical group , youth group , senior citizens group etc , who would like to learn a little more about Latin America .
26 Dagenham boss John Still said : ‘ That was the best match that I have been involved with in 14 years of management .
27 The Epps family have been involved with aviation since 1907 and Epps Aviation has been established in Atlanta since 1965 .
28 Simon comments : ‘ I have been involved with the AOI since it started in 1973 .
29 The package is still being refined , and five local authorities have been involved with formal evaluation feeding back information from a core sample of 200 children who have been assessed using the schedules .
30 Cos you have been involved with special needs here
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