Example sentences of "have [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But to this day I have nightmares in which I have to go back to school , and I 'm so relieved to wake up and find that it was only a dream .
2 Dickinson was no stranger to success in the Gold Cup — he had trained the first two home , Silver Buck and Bregawn , in 1982 — but his feat in the 1983 contest is unique in big-race records , and to find anything remotely comparable you have to go back to 1822 , when James Croft 's four runners in the St Leger filled the first four places .
3 But as the directives are binding only if they do not deviate much from right reason and as we should act on them only if they are binding , we always have to go back to fundamentals .
4 To get some idea of a possible solution to the problem that in potencies higher than the 12C none of the original starting material is likely to remain in the potency , we have to go back to some basic concepts of chemistry .
5 ‘ You have to go back to the days of Brady and Hindley for an incident which compares to the horror . ’
6 Maybe I have to go back to the theatre .
7 When they reach an obstacle , such as the sharks , they have to go back to the previous question .
8 I was in Buenos Aires , then London , then I have to go back to New York , on to Montreal and then Frankfurt .
9 To identify classes you have to go back to the intentional properties of individuals — to the judgments , desires and aspirations which are essential to explaining what they then do in the class struggle .
10 To begin to appreciate how it drives him , you have to go back to the beginning of his story .
11 We have to go back to the city . ’
12 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
13 I 'm I 'm actually I have to go back to a house .
14 ‘ I — I have to go back to England . ’
15 We have to go back to the first quarter of 1986 to see such a low figure for construction output per person in the past decade .
16 I think we have to go back to what is the fundamental purpose of the York new settlement and that is to meet some of the development plan requirements of the Greater York area .
17 It 's a deficiency that they have to go back to another culture , but we hope they 've got sufficient strength from being here to get through that .
18 You 're preparing me to go out into the street , but I still have to go back to the system first .
19 the only one who worked full time , they came on Christmas Eve with reluctant , because I said look I 'm sorry but I have to work Christmas Eve lunch time , and they said right we 'll be there at five past one , and I finish at one , there were there at five past one , they finally left two days after Christmas because I said I 'm sorry I have to go back to work today .
20 What happened was , I 'd go home , go to MacDonalds , and have to go back to the office .
21 Well thank you Chairman , I have to go back to last Wednesday afternoon , when I had a telephone call from a reporter from the Eastern Daily Press asking me to make a statement on the press release by Suffolk County Council stating that the Bungay bypass has been abandoned well Chairman I have to say that I was somewhat erm put out , because I did I disappoint I think because they , the Highway Department did n't have the courtesy to inform me first , and you can well imagine how I felt er having received this news .
22 I have to go back to the dentist next week but er erm er , in fact , it 's not this coming it 's the week after , it 's a week on Monday I have to go , that 's right .
23 That 's our job , so you have to appreciate that that 's the job of a journalist , to enquire what is the , the worst and the best aspects of any , of any job , of any , of any interview , and so you really have to do it , and in the sense that you have to if you , you probably have to go back to square one and do maximum research on what you 're being asked about , so , therefore you have more confidence in precising down what your answer is .
24 But it 's the way she 's saying oh I 'm so sorry but I have to go back on it when she 's agreed to something .
25 ‘ There 's always something else to do — lines you see and feel you have to go back for , lower peaks you 've left for later .
26 I 'm saying is , is you ought to get very close to that geographical map because it 's the logistic logistics er difficulty with getting , and you ought to know where there are mountains and where there are valleys and the fact that that , in South Wales they ca n't just go across country , they have to go back down the valley after the M four and up again .
27 It 's a frightening thought that you come to Grendon to sort yourself out , then you have to go back into the system .
28 I have to go back into hospital before Christmas but then I hope to be at home .
29 I have to go back in the morning and I must have you with me . ’
30 I have given back to the Reich the provinces stolen from us in 1919 .
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