Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , FMI developments have aroused tensions among middle- and lower-management grades , not only through fears about jobs and increased central monitoring , but concern also that financial stringency could impact on staff development and training ‘ with longer term consequences for an efficient and effective Civil Service ’ ( Public Accounts Committee , 1986–7c , para. 39 ) .
2 Such rulings have aroused concern amongst academic lawyers and other socio-legal researchers , but it has to be asked whether they are likely to have any far reaching impact .
3 Concentrations of apatite , magnetite , and base metals ( Notholt and others , 1985 ) have aroused interest from time to time .
4 In the Labour Party in my lifetime only two men of quality — Bevan and Wilson — have aroused hostility of this order , and they are the two most potent and significant characters that have emerged .
5 Recognising this achievement , the RAF Museum have honoured TMAM with the loan of two of its treasures , both record breakers and both steeped in the history of Tangmere itself .
6 The move will help Fiat regain market share from French and German importers , which have hiked prices after recent currency crises .
7 And finally , builders have stopped work on a three million pound sports centre in Cheltenham because they do n't want to disturb a blackbird 's nest .
8 No doubt all those of us who saw him play have treasured memories of particular occasions when John Jackson performed as a man inspired to keep Palace 's goal intact .
9 We have to go day by day .
10 The ca n't get onto the southbound carriageway … so they have to go north to Peartree before turning round and coming back .
11 Neither is it correct to believe , as many people do , that you have to go south of the Earth 's equator to see the Southern Cross .
12 ‘ It sounds terrible , but we have to go cap in hand begging for funds to keep solvent .
13 ‘ We have never believed strongly in doing consumer advertising for the sake of it — PR and advertising have to go hand in hand .
14 Ideals and a vision of education 's unrealized potential have to go hand in hand with pragmatism .
15 The problems at the bank have plagued Cerus for over two years .
16 Times being hard , the vicious squabbles that have plagued Peru since the 1960s have broken out again , between raw-material exporters ( who want freer trade ) and manufacturers ( who want still more protection ) .
17 I have frequented pool-rooms for over twenty years , and at one pool-room game , n three-cushion billiards , am considered a far better than average player . ’
18 Elsewhere , I have criticized functionalism as a myth of the division of labour by sex to which ethology and anthropology make their own contributions .
19 SIX OF the seven top economic advisers to the Government have given warning against tax increases in the Budget next month , saying that the economy is just too fragile to sustain them .
20 For example , without wishing to go into the debate about the Bishop of Durham s well-known views — and I want to say here that on the resurrection and virgin birth I take the traditional teaching of the Church — I am concerned when speakers are ignorant of some of the critical insights which have given rise to the Bishop 's well thought-out views .
21 The socio-economic problems in West Germany as elsewhere have given rise to an inevitable resurgence of hostility towards ethnic and other minorities , and have put some pressure on the political system itself ( reflected in the emergence of the part ecological , part anti-nuclear , part general social protest ‘ Green Party ’ ) .
22 Many churchmen , however , have not been happy with these developments , which have given rise to schisms threatening enough to warrant the Pope 's visit .
23 Ever since the Industrial Revolution created a mass urban society , the conditions of the poorest city dwellers have given rise to anxiety among the better off .
24 Over the years , a few huge , widely reported pay-offs have given rise to the impression among more gullible members of the newspaper-reading public that six-figure golden handshakes are the norm for the departing business executive .
25 Such breeding programmes , in conjunction with the use of fertilisers and crop-protection chemicals , have given rise to what is commonly known as the ‘ Green Revolution ’ of the twentieth century .
26 Its contents are classified into chapters on spelling and pronunciation , locative names ( from English , French and other continental languages ) , surnames of relationship , those from native and other personal names , from offices held or occupations followed , compound names and nicknames of all kinds , oaths , colloquial expressions and phrases which have given rise to family names .
27 Such comments have given rise to much discussion about the ‘ climate of research ’ .
28 Nevertheless , this supposed trait and their tight , curly hair have given rise to the use of the name ‘ Poodle cats ’ as a popular term for them .
29 In this paper I will attempt to outline some of the factors which have given rise to a social division between ‘ incomers ’ and the native population in Dunrossness during the first phase ( 1971–79 ) of the so-called ‘ oil era ’ in Shetland .
30 Christopher Napier and Christopher Noke take arguments over share premiums , share premium accounts , merger accounting and pre-acquisition profits as an example of the issues which have given rise to controversy .
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