Example sentences of "'s [adv] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's right that the Guildford Four have told their stories now to Grant McKee and Ros Franey and First Tuesday , the programme and the producers who dug away , and did much to keep the case alive .
2 ‘ If it helps you make up your mind , Mrs Diamond , I should tell you that I 'm a friend of Heather 's rather than a friend of her family … if you see what I mean . ’
3 Both the idea that it is desirable for adult children to live with parents , and the custom that it is most desirable for this arrangement to be with the husband 's rather than the wife 's parents , contrast with ideas commonly held in Britain about desirable relationships between parents and children in adult life .
4 However , since these latter categories were derived from lay ‘ common-sense ’ belief 's rather than the scientific rigour they advocated so much ( see Wolfgang , 1960 ; and Garland , 1985a ) , their specific reformative recommendations tended not to amount to very much either .
5 My sister ate , but I refused , not out of sacrifice nor because I was resisting temptation ( I firmly believed that meat would make me ill , as my mother said ) , but because I knew — though this formulation is the adult 's rather than the ten-year old 's — that the price of the meal was condemnation of my mother 's oddness , and I was n't having that .
6 It 's on until the 28th and the catalogue has an essay by Kathleen Slavin .
7 I 'm strong in mind , too , though it 's only since the kids that I 've got more patient and confident .
8 It 's only since the Second World War I think that a few nations , especially the , the , the highly socialist ones with a strong erm directed policy of sports , in sports and education , have begun to put an amount of effort into sports training which the less socialistic and less state concentrated countries like our own have found a , a bit offensive .
9 It 's only cos the .
10 It 's only cos the mistake was n't Alex .
11 There 's only if the person you 're talking to thinks you do n't care , well I mean they 're not you know they 're not going to think very much of you are they ?
12 No it 's cause it 's it 's it 's only if the police come they 'll they 'll move you on .
13 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
14 yes , because it 's only when the scheme actually starts to operate that you can er get a clear picture of what the cost are going to be , they are budgets , they are estimates and until you start incurring costs you ca n't be absolutely certain as to how the costs are gon na end up
15 but I mean it 's only because the extra stuff 's in it for it to dissolve in .
16 I 've only had ever about two complaints in four and a half years , and that 's not very bad , that 's only because the filter needed cleaning , mostly .
17 It 's only because the sun 's not out I 'm
18 You , you , you may come across er legislature like this but you , you would n't be sure , when you they 're justifying it by saying that this is natural , this is a progression in er a historical progression and that in fact that it 's a erm it 's only because the , the landlords were , were sort of evil and nasty to us that , that i it , that they , this is happening .
19 I mean , it 's only because the press and the media generally know all about it ,
20 Except , more often than not , the Second Mrs Tanqueray reveals herself to be a carbon-copy of the first one in almost every way but one and that 's only until the new Tanqueray brood arrives , whereupon Lothario takes to ringing up the first Mrs T to say ‘ Where did we go wrong ? ’
21 There 's less than a thousand pounds left . ’
22 Dortmund 's less than a hundred miles , mostly by Autobahn , so you could have been there by midnight .
23 If it 's less than a hundred it 's smaller if it 's more than a hundred it 's greater .
24 One can not understand the route why that 's so that the Labour party wishes erm to advantage that .
25 Others may give less because they 've got a lot of members so that therefore it 's so that the provence as a whole could be advised .
26 She 's already provided the couple with a tape of tribal fertility dances to ‘ release endorphins in the pelvic region ’ and before long she 's going on about the healing properties of dolphins .
27 A Committee had been formed to see NVQ 's through and a meeting had recently been held .
28 Ye know it 's just since the snapper . ’
29 ‘ It was n't really made like that , it 's just after the record 's over , it 's a spin people like to put on it .
30 It 's just that no one ever tells her the truth , so she feels confused .
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