Example sentences of "'s [adj] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's possible that some other minor eruptions occurred between 1681 and 1883 , but if they did , there is no record of them , and all of the reports and descriptions made by ships passing Krakatoa suggest that it was quite dormant .
2 His lace assumes a natural look he 's able to sit up and breathe more normally and for a time seems well My dear Dr Dunstaple , perhaps you could explain to us why , if the symptoms are caused , as you seem to believe , by damage to the lungs or by a poison circulating in the blood and depressing the action of the heart … why it 's possible that these symptoms should thus be suspended by an injection of warm water holding a little salt in solution ? "
3 In other words : it 's understandable that those rich bastards vote Tory , but why should anyone who is n't rich do it ?
4 ‘ We have important league and cup games coming up next month in addition to national squad weekends , so it 's understandable that some of our players do n't wish to take their chances in a club fixture , ’ said the Quins ' press officer Alex Saward yesterday .
5 My Lord I think it 's right that that it 's clear from the discussions I 've had with Mr that the plaintiff is going to be in the witness box for some considerable time and I think if your Lordship 's had an opportunity to read the witness statement , seen the areas of dispute , the nature of the the fact that arised and had a look at some of the documentation , it would be much er er a much speedier process than it would otherwise be .
6 It , it 's , it 's right that that this should be brought up anyway , Mr .
7 There are some sort of public schools survivors groups which have been set up recently and um it 's interesting that this business of being strong and silent um is a kind of is a kind of nineteenth century hangover and I think it affects men and I think it affects women too to some extent .
8 If a bird has food , it 's much more concerned with what 's going on around it , because it 's afraid that another predator might steal it .
9 I think peop it 's clear that that could be a very useful part of er of there being care in people 's homes .
10 And further further discussions of with them have er has b it 's clear that that is er or the proposal improvement of the A fifty nine .
11 Well er er quite a lot of peasants did join because they , presumably they were motivated by land reform , er it 's clear that that did happen
12 I do n't think there 's enough evidence to bear that out as yet , but it 's clear that some companies are now ahead of their consumers in terms of what they 're trying to do and the products they 're developing .
13 It 's appropriate that this group should undertake such a tribute : Motian himself spent five years ( 1959–64 ) in the late pianist Bill Evans 's trio , while Johnson on bass was in Evans 's ultimate trio with Joe LaBarbera .
14 Erm t to me it 's amazing that that has never happened before , if you think of the the Asian population , certainly in in the , area .
15 Last night Labour MP Bridget Prentice said : ‘ It 's appalling that some judges excuse crime on the basis that some men have problems in their relations with women . ’
16 We we saw him come on against Birmingham about a month or so ago and save that penalty and it 's ironic that that 's how Nigel Spinks started at at Villa was n't it when he came on for Jimmy Rimmer and if Bosnich does the same job as what Nigel 's done over the past ten years then no one 's going to argue .
17 It 's likely that most of them wo n't ever have seen a microlight .
18 It 's likely that most of them wo n't ever have seen a microlight .
19 If we eat very high calorie foods , it 's likely that some fat will be stored — one way nature prepares the body for pregnancy in case of conception .
20 It 's likely that this report will set out how should close , and all the reasons why it should close .
21 Right , but that 's going to depend on right , not only the wage differential , now if the wage differential is very large it 's likely that this discounted sum is going to , you know , be larger than that .
22 I think it 's er , I think it covers the largest area for any er one association and er y'know it 's g very pleased about that , erm I am aware of your er meeting and I think it it 's obvious that all new residents association will identify erm a lot of things which need doing er when they 're first formed .
23 ‘ It 's obvious that this is all fresh , probably done this morning .
24 Well it 's obvious that any er settlement in that area would have an impact on the A sixty four as that 's the only access into that area .
25 I ca n't possibly look after them on my own , and it 's obvious that those two little girls are going to need a considerable amount of mothering . ’
26 Although Sustad has the reputation of a formidable Himalayan climber , it 's obvious that these big-wall climbs mean a lot to him .
27 It 's unfortunate that such things serve to bring you to your senses and make you realise that of course it 's dangerous .
28 I just think it 's unfortunate that all these rumours have circulated .
29 It 's unfair that this has been removed when tax breaks have been given to people who invest short-term in shares , property or new businesses through Personal Equity Plans and Business Expansion Schemes .
30 ‘ It 's terrible that all these quacks can come along without proper qualifications , ’ Lipsky complained , forgetting that he himself had set up as a dentist without qualifications , there being as yet no legal requirement for special training as there was for doctors .
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