Example sentences of "'s [verb] in [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So you can consult people in about what 's happening in and wider afield .
2 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
3 Harold was becoming more and more irritable with his wife 's bouncing in and out of bed and he declared that if the mice saw the kitten they might well decide to make a meal of it .
4 ‘ Everybody thinks the roof 's caved in but I 'm sure we 'll show them it has n't , ’ said Arsenal striker Wright in the wake of last week 's debacle in Norway .
5 So Joyce thinks he 's , he 's going in after you see
6 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
7 It 's switching in and out is it ?
8 Now that he 's settled in and understanding the language a bit better , I thought it was an appropriate time to congratulate and welcome him to Carnoustie .
9 Without giving away too much of the plot , she 's an old flame of Morse 's and he 's brought in when her husband is found shot .
10 Now that is n't easy actually , because you know , the practitioner 's think they know best and they actually quite resent , you know , the young Policy Officer 's coming in and saying let's do it this way , shall we ?
11 point of view when the information 's been com when so it 's coming in and being sorted it is better that it 's done at that particular time
12 And they , they get very very quickly suspicious when , you know , when the nurse is coming in and the priest 's coming in and the
13 Th it 's not a case of everything 's contained within the stimulus that 's coming in and we elaborate it into whate the object .
14 that anybody 's coming in until this come from .
15 But gradually it 's sunk in but when I 'm there it will probably seem like a dream .
16 We hope it 's sunk in and they 'll know what they 're doing by the time they get to Bosnia .
17 Every region here got this problem because all of you , every one of you have got local authority workers and other workers and Tylers is like a flea on a dog 's back it 's creeping in and they going , getting everywhere .
18 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
19 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
20 ‘ A friend of mine who 's working in and around Florence said he 'd meet us in his jeep if he could make it , ’ David answered looking round .
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