Example sentences of "'s [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 It 's puzzling that the British public seems to share this feeling of worship for Russian dancers , yet does n't extend anything like the same respect to its own .
2 It 's reported that the price of CD players will shortly tumble as Matsushita market a machine that retails for the low price of £280 — about half the price of the company 's launch model .
3 Once again it 's claimed that the algae is toxic enough to kill animals , specifically two dogs according to the Glasgow Daily Record .
4 Again it 's claimed that the smallest unit — the 300 — can be used on fishtanks .
5 It 's claimed that the fox is a predator , killing lambs and free range chickens and must be controlled ; an argument not accepted by the RSPCA .
6 It 's claimed that the laser-engraved cards are fraud-proof at a cost of £1.20 each to produce , compared with 25p for the old cards It 's an investment that the industry hopes will beat the fraudsters hands down .
7 It 's claimed that the jail now houses almost double the number of prisoners it was designed for .
8 It 's claimed that the secret GCHQ listening centre is even trawling through personal phone calls abroad in its search for useful information .
9 He 's claimed that the drug he took was only for his asthma , and was NOT on the list of banned substances .
10 that what 's happening that the end of ninth year is an important time in terms of er er measuring er their pupils er relative success .
11 Booth says there is ‘ real interest ’ in the team 's work from established staff and it 's expected that the programme will prove useful to many people within the business .
12 It 's expected that the Government will off-load most of its 1.35 billion BT shares in late June or early July .
13 It 's expected that the flotation will take place in early June .
14 You 're not the only person who 's noticed that the world 's complicated and everyone 's different , Caro .
15 I noticed also that the chief executive of Courtauld 's said that the Labour party 's proposals for a statutory minimum wage would lead to big job losses .
16 Stan Wilson became a sergeant in the Army Educational Corps ‘ it 's said that the only battle they ever won was the 1945 General Election for Labour ’ before spending 34 years at what he terms the chalk face .
17 A working party 's recommending that the existing outdoor pool at Edmunds Park should be shut and that an indoor one should be opened to replace it .
18 ‘ It 's accepted that the towing tractor will stand idle for some of the time , but at least you are n't taking tankers into the field , ’ he adds .
19 Paul tells him about how John never got to go to Disneyland when he was little , and all his life John 's wanted to go , and Paul 's decided that the one thing they have to do for him is to take him to Disneyland .
20 It 's thought that the morning , when people are a bit lively , is a good time for therapy-type activities — perhaps have a half-hour reminiscence group over a coffee at 9.30 or 10.00 am .
21 It 's thought that the fire had been caused by a welders spark .
22 It 's thought that the weather has something to do with the renewed joyriding .
23 It 's thought that the weather has something to do with the renewed joyriding .
24 It 's thought that the husband killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself after she told him she wanted a divorce Their bodies were found by their daughter .
25 It 's alleged that the body was hidden there by the younger brother .
26 IT 'S terrifying that the Tories are blundering on with their policy of no hope in education .
27 It 's feared that the death toll in the Cairo earthquake has risen to at least a thousand .
28 But the only query that Trevor 's put in my mind is the fact that he 's saying that the cost is gon na be extortionate .
29 He 's saying that the material of the West is an idol .
30 He 's saying that the existence of the church is essential to God 's glorious gospel .
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