Example sentences of "'s [noun] [prep] i " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there 's hope for me yet , he thought as he unrolled the fillet on the cutting board .
2 He 's kind to me .
3 There 's creeps like me spray-painting the carriages ,
4 We will return to Royston for a while but then it 's Scotland for me and France for you .
5 The Government ought to take care of them , it 's the least they could do … but as long as there 's eejits like me to fork out a bob or two , the authorities wo n't do a thing . ’
6 ‘ Because there 's room for me , ’ he said .
7 It 's , you know , it 's like what 's his Captain Oates was it , going out into the tent in the Antarctic or something , you know it 's sort of I may be gone for a while , you know , in the in the , into the wilderness and never to return so that in , in the British structure er politicians are , their loyalty is central rather than local because their political futures are determined centrally rather than locally .
8 I … there 's feelings inside me that I ca n't explain .
9 That 's news to me .
10 It 's news to me ! ’
11 When told how Evans had been rumbled , St Helens chairman Eric Latham said : ‘ It 's news to me — but nothing surprises me anymore .
12 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
13 He 's scream at me and .
14 ROS : Ah ! there 's life in me yet !
15 It 's way past me bedtime . ’
16 ‘ Now that I 've eaten and drunk my fill it 's time for me to beat away , ’ he said after about an hour .
17 ‘ It 's time for me to go .
18 The 26-year-old is guarded about his physical and mental fatigue , but he says pointedly : ‘ It 's time for me to relax . ’
19 I 've got to go now as it 's time for me to get my new dresses fitted .
20 Or say ‘ It 's time for me to run along —
21 They look out of the windows when it 's time for me to come home .
22 ‘ Nevertheless , she declares she 's taking over as hostess — so obviously it 's time for me to leave . ’
23 Yes , well probably , it 's time for me to try and change his mind .
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