Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 We seek to identify the writer 's intended referent for a pronoun , since a pronoun can , in effect , be used to refer to almost anything .
2 The Nuffield hospital says sessions on the scanner are allocated first according to urgency , and then according to who 's placed contracts for scans with the hospital .
3 Women re-entered the healthcare arena in the subordinate role of nurses in Florence Nightingale 's reorganised profession for " respectable " ladies in a relationship with medicine which paralleled the patriarchal structure of the bourgeois family , as a quotation from a nursing journal at the turn of the century makes clear :
4 He 's won awards for his skill , now he 's putting that to the test and hopefully earn a bit of cash at the same time .
5 The DoE 's claimed justification for this last step was medical advice from the DHSS , although , as we have seen , this interpretation owes at least as much to administrative convenience as to scientific advice .
6 That is ironic given Labour 's supposed support for the concept of unitary authorities which the Government are pursuing .
7 In most Health Authority areas , increased employment of nurses was offset by reductions in the use of ancillary manual staff , even prior to the government 's imposed requirement for Authorities to put this work out to tender .
8 And it 's written 100% for you : the professional developer .
9 Ritornellos from the Symphonie and the singer 's reiterated appeals for silence imaginatively depict his mood ( movement 2 : Récitatif ) .
10 He 's bought waders for him and the boy both , and shotguns , and they do n't retail for seventy-five cents in souvenir shops .
11 Senior mandarins had gone to the trouble of finding accommodation for Labour 's promised Ministry for Women .
12 Counselling ended with our third session , at which we wrote down this couple 's agreed terms for marriage .
13 In fact , it is n't in a theatre at all — it 's put on at irregular intervals by a group of lawyers in the sedate and sheltered surroundings of the Temple , and it 's called Seminars for the Expert Witness .
14 Amid an uneasy calm , Cambodian cultural life is gradually being resurrected : Phnom Penh University has graduated its first class in more than two decades , and Mr Ouk Chea , an archaeologist , has been named Director of Cambodia 's re-formed Department for the Conservation of Historic Monuments and serves also as head of the decimated State Museums .
15 She hesitated for a moment before adding in a lowered voice , ‘ She 's known Philippe for quite a while , but I do n't think she ever realised … ’
16 Denis Smith says … he 's known John for a long time and has just the experience and talent that Oxford need
17 But he is a major golf sponsor , and he 's known Jefferson for years .
18 Judged in abstract , this treaty 's rushed constitution for European Union ought to have been redrafted or shelved .
19 Owner of several Felixes himself , he plans in the next year or two to publish the player 's illustrated scrapbooks for the 1851 and 1852 seasons : ‘ They were intended for publication and are a remarkable social document , ’ he says .
20 ‘ But I always watch chimps alone and it 's spoilt Gombe for me . ’
21 The Commission 's cited source for this information was Dr P F Chester of the CEGB , while those thanked for ‘ helpful suggestions during drafting ’ included Dr R A Skeffington , a researcher with the CEGB who at this time was also showing pictures of perfectly healthy trees from the Black Forest to British conferences .
22 Not surprisingly , the productivity strategy fits snugly with the Government 's declared plans for selling off coal at the best price if it won the election .
23 ‘ Your father 's taken Domino for a walk on the common .
24 Since last we featured him in April 1989 he 's left Durham for Sheffield Dolphins and has been chosen for the Great Britain masters ( over 30 ) squad for next month 's world championship in Indianopolis .
25 a wall planner containing details of Cherwell District Council 's estimated finances for 1990–91
26 He tabulates for each country the estimated variance of the unanticipated aggregate demand term , v , and that country 's estimated value for β 1 .
27 All 27 MPs belonging to the Jatiya Party voted in favour of the new reforms despite the party 's expressed preference for presidential rule .
28 While such a state most frequently results from the frustration of a person 's expressed desire for some material object , especially food or tobacco , Dentan ( 1968 ) notes that it can also be the result of forcing someone to do something against his or her will .
29 The government has for some time known that this site would be available , yet from the announcement of the project to the Minister 's stated deadline for consultation is 8 months , including the summer months .
30 The Sub-Committee examined the contribution which each proposal made to the Development Programme and the extend to which it met the Council 's stated objectives for Phase 2 Pilots .
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