Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We review every film licence ever licensed for the C64 — and there 's reels of 'em !
2 It 's blokes like him who get the National Health Service a good name .
3 There 's reasons for it , of course … there always are … but she could take the wrong step … out of cussedness . ’
4 Oh well , there 's reasons for it .
5 From anarchist opponents of authority such as William Godwin and Robert Paul Wolff through moderate supporters such as John Rawls and Joseph Raz and on to enthusiasts such as Hobbes , Hannah Arendt and Michael Oakeshott , a considerable chorus of students have echoed the refrain that the directives … of authority are to be obeyed by B irrespective of B 's judgments of their merits ’ .
6 " There 's rules about who can ride up with the driver , " I said looking at John Russell and wondering if he had any ideas .
7 The LA keeps a watching brief on a haulier 's operations under his O licence ; the LA must revoke a standard licence if its holder is no longer of good repute , of satisfactory financial standing or professionally competent .
8 ‘ There 's loads of them at the Standard , ’ said Cooper , persuasively , so persuasively in fact , that we ended up at 7.00 am outside Holborn Tube with a banner declaring Flirting for London , handing leaflets to men and flowers to women , so he could get a good photograph for his story .
9 I bet there 's loads of them like it in there , these should be tapped in by both leads
10 Now what 's funny about this place is they 're all Italians that are in there but there 's loads of them that live in this particular area , that lived in Bedford for a long time .
11 There 's loads of them .
12 told me I was talking to Brian day before yesterday , second line , he says there 's loads of them doing it and it ca n't be cured
13 that is something that 'd happened all of a sudden , of about four throughout the cou , well three at the time throughout the country have suddenly gone like it within about a month or so of each other , and they 've never had any trouble before , but I was talking to Brian and he said that 's a load of cobblers , he says it 's been doing it for a long time and there 's loads of them doing it .
14 No , there 's loads of them .
15 There 's loads of them .
16 And there 's loads of them doing that .
17 I tell you what , if you get one of the earlier mountain bikes there made of five three one tubing which is lighter than what you 've got , there 's loads of them in the paper for sale and there so cheap
18 There 's loads of us going .
19 Because labour , there 's loads of it and it 's very cheap .
20 There 's loads on your cheeks .
21 they just scoop it in a bag and there 's loads in it , probably make loads of dumplings with it it 's got the flour and suet with it , you just mix it up
22 There 's loads in my crisp packet .
23 Getting on well with Matt — obviously there 's going to be some competition once we start work but he 's not half as paranoid as I thought he 'd be , a bit back-slapping , still I guess that 's Yanks for you .
24 I mean , there 's kids round my way who are 11 or 12 years old and they 're dropping Es and smoking draw .
25 ‘ Anyway , some firms — that 's gangs to you — are using the hostess clubs as a front for many other things .
26 ‘ There 's books about us . ’
27 ‘ That 's foxes for you , ’ said Philip .
28 That 's Frenchmen for you . ’
29 If we 've done well this year , and we have , it 's thanks to her — ’ Gasping , a hand pressed to his chest , he collapsed on his bed .
30 I 'm an old hand at Falcon Sailing — it 's thanks to them I know that a holding tank 's nothing to do with the Russians in Prague .
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