Example sentences of "were used by [art] " in BNC.

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1 In summary , we can say that rugs were used by a number of civilizations , ranging from Greece through to Central Asia , during the first millennium BC , and were probably in existence for some considerable time before .
2 However , if the logo were used by a computer bureau , although there may be no infringement of trade mark ( unless the Apple logo had been registered in miscellaneous services class ) , there would probably be an action in passing-off because many people might think that the computer bureau was somehow connected with the computer company .
3 In dealing with the allegation of infringement of a trade mark , Lord Justice Dillon said that there could only be such an infringement if the words were used by an offender in the trade mark sense .
4 I had n't the remotest idea , but I followed the little rails which were used by the tiny railway to carry food up to the dining rooms …
5 A big pie was not something that could be made in a field and cooked on a bonfire , it would require skill and expertise in the use of large ovens and these were available as they were used by the local manufacturers of earthenware pipes :
6 Here there are many quintas which were used by the wealthy Funchal merchants in the summer months .
7 I once taught a student who claimed to believe in Satan but thought that demons were used by the biblical writers as a means of explaining the sources of diseases and mental illnesses that were not understood in modern medical terms .
8 Moreover , many of those laws on the statute books which empowered colonial administrators to control the printed media remained in force and were used by the new governments after independence .
9 They were immensely hairy , had breasts that hung down at least a yard and were used by the males as beasts of burden .
10 According to historians , the flowers of Nymphaea coerulea the blue lily of the Nile were used by the ancient Egyptians during the burial ceremonies of the pharaohs .
11 In the Procession Fresco , the fabrics worn by the Minoans were painstakingly covered with grids , apparently marked into the soft plaster with taut string ; the resulting grid lines were used by the fresco painters to construct detailed textile patterns ( Figure 6 ) .
12 And how can deposit requirements be administratively impossible if they were used by the Bank of Italy in the 1970s and by the Bank of Spain just last year ?
13 Sorrels in general were used by the Greeks and Romans for medicinal purposes , and had some medicinal as well as culinary application in mediaeval Britain , but the English sorrel then used ( R. acetosa ) was replaced for culinary purposes by the French version and has been so used until the preset day .
14 Damaging revelations about conditions in mental subnormality hospitals were used by the minister , Richard Crossman , to gain funds to improve conditions in mental hospitals in the late 1960s .
15 They were used by the small group of masters who established the teaching credentials of the University of Paris , notably Stephen Langton [ q.v . ] .
16 Although deplored by Lollards and reformers such as Erasmus ( and later John Bale and John Foxe , qq.v. ) , pilgrimages to both shrines were used by the Church as a reputable penance and remained popular , in southern England , down to the Reformation .
17 The newest machines were used by the administration and advertising staff , the oldest by the journalists .
18 After extensive conservation and repair work is completed , the Palace will house a rich series of displays showing how its apartments were used by the Stewart monarchs and their households , and a special display will be devoted to the carved wooden Stirling Heads which once decorated the ceiling of the King 's Presence Chamber .
19 In the halls of power Cistercians became papal confessors and were used by the popes as legates and preachers .
20 So being psychologists who ca n't get enough of it , empirical solid data , we tend to erm be a bit dismissive of the methods that were used by the Although these laws tend to describe what th what 's happening , they do n't actually tell you how they 're achieved .
21 Yeah Now Pomerance , who 's one of the people in the quote , has done a lot of work recently er by that in the last five six years , looking at how we can investigate the , or objectify , the measures that w or the laws that were used by the .
22 Three separate studios were used by the Brighton band during the past three months as they put together the tracks included on the new album .
23 Only environmentally friendly products were used by the students .
24 All the data were used by the simulated annealing algorithm , whilst the filtering algorithm filtered out those probes without a vertical black line ( as potentially repetitive ) , and the grey clones ( as potentially coligated ) .
25 Why ca n't the same methods that were used by the Commonwealth yesterday vis a vis Rhodesia , vis a vis Namibia and vis a vis South Africa , not be applied in respect of the colonial and settlerist situation here .
26 After the Second World War , Keynesian demand-management policies were used by the governments of most western countries in the attempt to keep unemployment levels down .
27 These were used by the computer operator to write programs for his or her particular purpose .
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