Example sentences of "were it not [that] " in BNC.

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1 This might seem inconsistent with the fact that women were living longer , were it not that longer life brought no immediate improvement in their prospects ; it remained a man 's world .
2 The murmur might become a clamour , were it not that Mr Kinnock is already preparing to leap before being pushed .
3 Ludens 's own relations with Marcus might have been called , from Ludens 's point of view , promising , even satisfactory , were it not that they were also precarious .
4 My respected landladies , who are the double-distilled quintessence of considerateness and island hospitality , would think all good would leave their abodes if a dweller beneath their roof left fasting , so , in spite of all my entreaties to the contrary , a cup of tea was prepared to forestall my start ; and as I walked by the river-side and reached a road that skirts a number of very massive peat-stacks , and displays on the landward side an interminable host of peat-pits , the geniality of the sunshine was felt , and I would gladly have slackened my pace were it not that by so doing my good friends at Gress ( some eight miles from Stornoway , where I was due at eight o'clock , if I remember rightly ) , might have waited breakfast for me .
5 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
6 Were it not that Mr Telscombe had business to discuss with Mr Barnet I doubt we should be here at all .
7 The general public could hardly be described by Ritchie as viewing cruelty to domestic pets with ‘ horror ’ were it not that its sympathies were outraged by perceived wrongs .
8 The incident would be funny were it not that a similar stunt had been pulled in Kismayu , southern Somalia 's largest port , at the end of March .
9 In the absence of precise definition , 20s. might be taken as marking the dividing line between husbandmen and labourers , were it not that at Long Preston Edmund Clarke ( nil ) was stated to be servant to Thomas Squyer , who was worth only 6s. 8d .
10 This would seem an over-subtle argument , were it not that studies of style often indicate the importance of such combinatory features in the creation of literary effect .
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