Example sentences of "were use [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Six unco-ordinated offices were used for receiving revenue : the old Exchequer , the King 's Chamber — by now reverting to its old function of a domestic household treasury — the Court of Wards and Liveries , the Duchy of Lancaster , the Court of Augmentations , and the Court of First Fruits .
2 Annual sales statistics provided by Alko Ltd were used for evaluating the consumption of various alcoholic beverages in Finland between 1960–89 .
3 Camels were used for moving railway-trucks round the Pokrovsk yards .
4 Two approaches were used for ordering single-copy hybridisation probes : one was based on the simulated annealing algorithm to order all probes , and another on inferring the minimum-spanning subset of the probes using a heuristic filtering procedure .
5 There was a shortage of trained teachers and the planning of schools reflected this circumstance ; most of the instruction was done in a large school-room , off which there might be one or two classrooms which were used for teaching smaller groups .
6 It was navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons , mostly keels which were used for transporting coal and lime to Leven and took away corn and various commodities made in the village such as candles , rope , and a certain type of brick .
7 On enquiring their purpose , the boatman explained they were used for drilling by the Orangemen on the estate , but they were passed on each week to the Sinn Feiners for their drill night !
8 When it was ready they each fetched a huge bronze pan , the ones that were used for cooking rice at weddings , or boiling barley for making raksi .
9 The documents appear to have been working papers that were used for setting price caps for the authorities .
10 ( It was , of course , the load at peak times which imposed the highest costs on the system , partly because it was then that the least efficient power stations were used for generating , but principally because , since electricity could not be stored , it was the peak load which determined expenditure on new capacity . )
11 Late that century Alfred the Great noted , with apparent surprise , that horses were used for ploughing in Norway .
12 In the 1920s there was no running water in bedrooms , and copper hot-water cans and jugs were used for filling and placing night and morning in the bedrooms for washing .
13 Also , with no common denominator for fixing rates , different criteria were used for measuring performance — tonnage , yardage , cubic measures , number of operations completed , etc. — and so contradictory interests developed .
14 Bones were used for making explosives , glue and paint for aeroplane mark markings , and proved the most difficult of all to collect .
15 The er apparatus , measures , slabs , mortars , that were used for making compounds or dispensing medicines .
16 They were used for pumping but they were bulky machines and were never installed underground .
17 The grids were used for assessing the position most appropriate for bisection of the crypts ( Fig 1 ) .
18 From what we know of modern witchcraft practices , we can speculate that the stone circles were used for dancing and that this was a method of raising power ( similar to the ‘ cone of power ’ that witches use today ) which could then be stored in the stones to be used when required .
19 Cattle , especially buffaloes , were used for cultivating and threshing rice .
20 The cutouts were used for matching to the shoes .
21 Most computers were used either for word processing or simple information storage tasks ; very few were used for analysing business trends or problems .
22 The barns were used for storing timber ready for use in the mills .
23 It was clear that the premises were used for viewing works of art stored there by Capricorn and that it controlled access to the vault .
24 An archaic English word for the ankles is huckle-bones , and these huckle-bones , and knuckle-bones ( usually from sheep ) , were used for playing dice .
25 Even though the prices of many of the goods which were used in constructing the retail price index were subject to government control , the official consumer price index increased between January 1970 and September 1973 by 119 per cent and , using this same index , the official rate of inflation in the fourth quarter of 1973 was over 500 per cent .
26 If the index is computed using ‘ stale ’ prices , it is possible that the no-arbitrage condition appears to be violated , although if current prices were used in computing the index there would be no violation .
27 All available studies were used in examining the correlations between the scan score and the CDAI and Simple Index .
28 These criteria were used in selecting the sample .
29 Published and unpublished lists were used in compiling the necessarily limited but , it is hoped , representative selection of Gaelic names that appears here , and help was given by Gaelic speakers in the Outer Hebrides and elsewhere .
30 Darwin 's primary sexual characters were those connected with the act of reproduction itself while secondary sexual characters were used in acquiring mating partners .
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