Example sentences of "were follow by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The ace of diamonds and another club ruff were followed by a second heart ruff in dummy , leaving the following position :
2 We were followed by a family — mother , father and daughter .
3 Drinks were served and these were followed by a splendid steak dinner at the large dining-table .
4 Light beer and vodka were followed by a simple but nourishing meal of stewed meat and boiled potatoes , preceded by borscht .
5 These were followed by a Soviet Government decree on 28 June 1918 which nationalised all branches of industry .
6 These were followed by a fourth sortie of around one hour ten minutes , involving a display .
7 It may not be a coincidence that the Otago Rugby Union , of which Dowling is a committee member and former chairman , actually requested that the NZRFU cancel the July-August tour of South Africa because of the drug scandals that had occurred — and which were followed by a variety of other allegations and proof of steroid use in the Republic .
8 It was not Sussex backwardness alone that brought trouble but the collapse of the artificial prosperity across England when the wars ended in 1815 and were followed by a series of disastrous harvests .
9 The sea trials , which were successful , were followed by a series of lectures and practical training at the Guangzhou Survey Base with a young and enthusiastic team of geologists and technicians .
10 But Plange hit back with two tries in three minutes — and when Mark Aston 's conversion and penalty were followed by a 46th-minute debut try from Gary Jack , it was all over .
11 They were followed by a port-wine jelly and a cold soup .
12 The years in Italy were followed by a couple of years in France , where his father was in charge of the BTA 's Paris office , but rather than go to school in France , Patrick was sent to Dulwich College .
13 The raids were followed by a military action on the ground , and neutral Cambodia was drawn into the conflict , with appalling loss of life there over the next few years .
14 In Scotland , a survey and plan for the Lothians ( 1966 ) was followed by a similar study for Grangemouth-Falkirk ( 1968 ) ; expansion plans for the Central Borders ( 1968 ) and Tayside ( 1970 ) were followed by a strategy for South-west Scotland ( also 1970 ) and a West-central Scotland Plan ( 1974 ) .
15 These were followed by a wide range of commissions which display his inventive powers , including the Gothic Marischal College of 1837 , the New Market of 1840 , and in the same year his headquarters of the North of Scotland Bank , with its quadrant corner screen and richly decorated interior incorporating the Parthenon frieze .
16 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
17 His words were followed by a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen .
18 The arrests of Islamic fundamentalists in April 1989 ( see p. 36603 ) were followed by a security clampdown in mid-May at the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan which included a ban on open-air prayer meetings outside mosques in many potential trouble spots including slum areas of Cairo and fundamentalist strongholds in Upper Egypt .
19 Bases of the 14th Army had come under attack from civilians looking for weapons , and initial assurances that the Army would remain neutral were followed by a statement issued on March 17 that , should war in the region become a reality , the Army would act to defend itself .
20 Her scream , the crash of the chair , and his shouts of pain were followed by a moment 's silence , and then by the ringing of an alarm .
21 There is some evidence that Cornish tin-mining maintained a reasonable level of production , although with some fluctuations : a sharp drop just after the Black Death and a boom at the end of the fourteenth century were followed by a period of depression in the half-century after 1430 , with a considerable recovery by the early sixteenth century .
22 More cheers were followed by a rendering of the National Anthem from the regimental band .
23 Open classes by Margaret Charlwood and Rosemary Gould were followed by a ploughman 's lunch and a video and film display featuring Medau pat and present .
24 The day began with lively classes given by Jean Parmiter and Joan Gatfield ; these classes were followed by a tasty Ploughman 's lunch when members were joined by our President , Lady Braithwaite and her husband , Sir Franklin .
25 Poor polls , one showing Labour ahead by six points , were followed by an attack by a former chancellor , Nigel Lawson , who questioned the government 's ability to govern .
26 Emphasizing each word as though it were followed by an exclamation mark , he announced , grinning : ‘ Here — is — Zamoyski ! ’
27 The explosions in March and April of 1969 at an electricity sub station in Castlereagh and at the Silent Valley reservoir in the Mournes were followed by an explosion at an electricity sub-station over the border in County Donegal .
28 Purges of Stalin 's leadership rivals were followed by an immense extension of bureaucratic control of the economy and a ruthless party programme of forced industrialization and collectivization of Soviet agriculture , carried out with enormous loss of life from the late 1920s onwards .
29 According to some reports the air attacks were followed by an artillery barrage from Israeli and South Lebanese Army ( SLA ) forces positioned in Israeli 's " security zone " .
30 The indigenous georgics of John Philips and John Gay were followed by the controversy over Pope 's and Ambrose Philips 's pastorals .
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