Example sentences of "were [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once they were concreting the pipe tunnel as they called it .
2 In front of the television cameras which were transmitting the game live , the two hookers , Bègles ' Moscato and Mallaret of Montferrand , tried to strangle each other .
3 And then , a few days later there was a similar story from another part of London : ‘ A gang of roughs , who were parading the roadway , shouting obscene language , playing mouth organs , and pushing respectable people down .
4 ‘ Eric built up a wonderful relationship with the fans and we 'll never forget him telling us that he loved us when the team were parading the League trophy . ’
5 Friends were manning the telephone at the Manns ' home last night .
6 To accomplish his Labours and Deeds , Hercules was obliged to travel to far-off places to destroy ferocious creatures which were ravaging the countryside and creating terror among the inhabitants , such as the Lernaean Hydra and the sea monster , to which a Trojan damsel had to be annually supplied .
7 We continued on to Musselwick Sands , where bathers were enjoying the beach .
8 Or did you not bother with the slap because you were enjoying the tickling so much ? ’
9 So peaceful had the volcano been , in fact , that its fertile soils were extensively cultivated , vineyards flourished on favoured sunny slopes , and the people living on and around the volcano were enjoying the prosperity and security of the Roman empire at its height .
10 With the ‘ lure ’ , a dummy prey swung around on a cord , it was particularly obvious that the birds were enjoying the game with her , rising to the challenge and the chance to show their prowess .
11 When better-off Britons were enjoying the tax cuts of the 1980s , they could cope with such hefty increases .
12 Dozens of guests were enjoying the party in the nurses ' common-room at the Princess Alexandra Hospital , Harlow , Essex , when several gatecrashers burst in .
13 However most walkers were enjoying the view of me with a glove covered in steaming soup and a face streaming with tears .
14 She grinned back ; both were enjoying the picture .
15 The garden wall and the towering backs of the High Street tenements were catching the sun .
16 He felt he knew very little about her present feelings , which were so malign toward him and unmapped that it was as if he were seeing the back side of the moon .
17 There was the brief glory of the 1820s , when Greece was the first part of south-eastern Europe to break free from the Turks , and high-minded liberals all over Europe thought they were seeing the rebirth of Periclean Athens .
18 It had been a hard year , the public felt Lauda had been ill done by , and everyone felt that they were seeing the apotheosis of one of the great drivers and the first signs of greatness in his natural successor , Alain Prost .
19 He became the characters in Homer or the tragedies , and made his audience feel they were seeing the drama as well as listening to an interpretation .
20 Once the industrial and social changes which were transforming the West during the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries began to find military expression , of course , the limits of Russia 's resources would be fully exposed .
21 And it was of no help to the Scottish Protestants that on 8 August , in the instructions given to that experienced diplomat of the 1540s , Sir Ralph Sadler , now sent north to make a comeback in the Scottish political scene , the English were encouraging the idea of being anti-French and anticipating their outspoken memorandum of the 31st by warbling about the need for government by someone of the blood of Scotland .
22 The government was also particularly anxious in an election year to ensure both that the benefits of the scheme were recognised and that accusations that they were encouraging the development of a two tier service were not substantiated .
23 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
24 Heavy snow in January and February kept other possible buyers away , and by the time the crocuses and daffodils were decking the rest of the Thrush Green gardens , Tullivers was looking at its worst .
25 In August Göring told Lipski that certain anti-German incidents along the Polish border were poisoning the atmosphere and that Poles were conspiring to interfere with the work of the League in Danzig .
26 Similar thoughts may have crossed his mind one week into the run when , on the night set aside to entertain employees , families and friends of Irish Life — who were sponsoring the festival — Archaos refused to perform proclaiming to the gathered throng that they had yet to be paid .
27 He said he was delighted a Liverpool-based company were sponsoring the tournament .
28 While he made his way swiftly but lightly across the boggy ground , giving his feet no time to be drawn down , the men higher up the bank were fastening the rest of the horses to the leash .
29 Red warning lights were flashing the bridge of The Sandhopper as the two boats drew closer , Morton now angling The Abbott so that it was heading directly towards the other craft .
30 To say that if it were raining the balcony would be wet is to say this : among possible worlds where it is raining , the one which overall is most like our actual world is also one in which the balcony is wet .
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