Example sentences of "were [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The courtyard was surrounded by what were presumably the inner walls of the palace .
2 The Lincolns played an integral part in the overall harassment of the communist offensive campaign and were effectively the only permanent heavy bomber unit in Malaya .
3 On the contrary , they saw the empire as the basis of Britain 's claim to world power status , and their commitment to exporting self-government — which they wrote about as if it were merely the current expression of the British administrative genius — was secondary to this .
4 Impassioned sequences in which the " poetry " consisted of nothing more than strings of synonyms were merely the extreme example of a tendency that was apparent throughout the work .
5 Whatever Parliament 's intentions may have been , it was readily apparent that three of the new ‘ facts ’ were merely the old ‘ faults ’ in a new guise .
6 There was a smaller executive body of fifteen , and three of these fifteen were apparently the yearly heads of the state .
7 But there were only the familiar guard towers , the blunted edge of the City 's walls , the setting sun .
8 Cos they were only the real areas lacking and the I 'm quite high on the complete finisher , whereby
9 These were only the official words setting it out in writing .
10 The fly-by-night theologies of the ‘ death of God ’ and ‘ magic mushrooms ’ were only the anarchic end of a serious attack by modern scholarship upon the presuppositions of biblical faith and credal affirmation ( see chapter eight ) .
11 At home , I would go on long walks , which were less the contemplative rambles I had previously enjoyed than frantic attempts to keep the body going , to keep the machine working .
12 Markers , the first of which were perhaps the surveying staffs themselves , were put in place to guide travellers .
13 His three fours in an over from Gladstone Small were perhaps the statistical highlight , but it was his running between the wickets that really caught the eye .
14 ( £43 and £115 were obviously the other notches . )
15 The American trade figures were generally the high moment of the month .
16 The hospitals more remote from their catchment area were thus the natural early candidates for closure .
17 These tasks were largely the direct product of successful service development and , at times , they threatened to squeeze out the development of new services .
18 Castner 's originality brought him little public acclaim , for the chemical industry was such that its products were largely the raw materials of other industries .
19 These were just the internal shortcomings at TMI .
20 Nothing traumatic happened ; there were just the ordinary ups and downs which would naturally have occurred in the life of a humble family striving to make a reasonable living in a somewhat precarious way .
21 At last there were just the external walls to be given a final coat of white paint .
22 That were just the temporary passes for the motorway that we had to return to department .
23 And those were just the British issues , which did not yet include a conventional album .
24 Of course , if conventionalism were just the semantic theory that the phrase " legal rights " should not be used to describe rights people have in virtue of consistency in principle , then a conventionalist judge could indeed take a lively interest in that form of consistency under a different description .
25 The language of their statement was more extreme and militant than that of earlier protest groups but the concrete demands were already the common currency of anti-Unionists in the city and , as such , were neither new nor especially radical .
26 Higher European interest rates were hardly the main concern of investors in Oslo , home of Europe 's second-best performing market this year .
27 His approach to everything was meticulous , and his decisions were usually the right ones .
28 The victims of the death squads were usually the poor and destitute , most of whom were abandoned street children and petty criminals .
29 You were always the clever one .
30 While textiles were always the major item , the old trade in pepper was being displaced by the coffee trade with Arabia , and by the trade in tea , which then came exclusively from China .
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