Example sentences of "were [prep] great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , looked at from the perspective of the 1980s , it is not at all clear that groups which styled themselves upon Mussolini 's movement in the 1920s were of greater significance than certain more obscure British nationalist organizations of the period , since these provided crucial financial and ideological legacies for later gener-ations of British fascists , most notably anti-semitism .
2 Subsequently McAdam and Whitaker ( 1971 ) demonstrated that prior to the production of various test words summed negative wave potentials were of greater magnitude over the left than the right hemisphere .
3 Some of the lesser priced Modernist works were of greater interest , Edward Hopper 's 1926–28 watercolour , ‘ Gloucester houses ’ ( lot 143 est. $300–400,000 ) , bought cheaply by the Jordan-Volpe Gallery , for $300,000 ( £187,500 ) was a brilliant example of what was to be one of his most popular subjects .
4 Moreover , research rather suggested that the former groups mounted one-off campaigns targeted at parliament or public opinion , whereas the latter groups ( and especially the trade unions and employers associations ) were of greater power and were likely to be in regular day-to-day contact with ministers , government , and the permanent administrative side of the state machine .
5 Society had changed from the earlier structure where primitive valuables were of greater importance .
6 Looked at from the ground , however , a rather different picture emerges , since it is clear that in many constituencies local issues were of greater importance , and even where national issues played a role , they were often distinctively shaped by peculiar local circumstances .
7 As the next chapter shows , by the late 1980s other mechanisms for restructuring the older industrial areas were of greater appeal to the government .
8 In Wales the nature of the war was largely dominated by physical factors : in mountainous territory foot soldiers were of greater use than heavy cavalry would ever be .
9 After hearing details of the figures last night , Scotland 's home affairs minister , Lord Fraser , said any criminal statistics indicating a rising trend were of great concern .
10 Root crops were of great significance only in Speyside where 83% of the farmers considered turnips an important ingredient in winter stock diets .
11 Before the days of intensive quarrying , natural rock outcrops were of great significance .
12 In institutional terms these procedural manoeuvres were of great significance ; the executive was strengthened while the legislature , to some extent , was reduced to the rubber stamp status craved by Stockman .
13 There were occasions when the leagues were of great help to the Conservatives , but their relationship to the party was often ambivalent and sometimes hostile , and it was not always easy to control their activities .
14 There were times when the bikes were a pain but , also times when they were of great benefit .
15 The duke immediately saw an opportunity to improve relations with the powerful Buchanan family , none of whose members were of great wealth , but several of whom were freeholders in Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire .
16 The Book of Kings and Chronicles , several passages in which are echoed in the dictum , were of great assistance both to the bishops and to the kings ; and anyone who wishes to understand medieval kingship should study these books very closely .
17 He had lectured on philosophy in the university and had made numerous friendly contacts which were of great use to myself , though I was unable to follow on his very able lectures to university students .
18 Although these were of great use to the profession the benefit was reduced by the fact that
19 This was a serious threat to the homeland 's security as well as to its prestige , for England 's North American possessions were of great importance to the Royal Navy .
20 The foreign policy issues on which the left fought were of great importance to the activists but of relatively little salience to the mass of the working class , while nationalisation had faded in popularity — quite understandably , given the failure to develop a popular democratic alternative to conventional managerial practice in the nationalised industries , and to develop a coherent set of criteria for allocating resources with which to counter the charge that they were ‘ inefficient loss-makers ’ .
21 The contrast can not be explained entirely in terms of personalities ; nevertheless the characters of the rulers concerned were of great importance in this connexion .
22 Turnbull 's calls were of great interest to the government at the time any calls to him from Britain would be separated from the surrounding chaff and monitored .
23 These were of great value not only regarding the history of the architecture of the fabric and fitments , but also the matrimonial alliances of long-dead notables .
24 There we were welcomed as if the old collars were of great value .
25 I think also that he liked Kelham — provided it were a short visit , for he was by nature and inclination a townsman — because he felt that such establishments were of great value in carrying on , in addition to theological instruction , the classical tradition .
26 There is little question that overseas markets , by and large the trophies of war , were of great value for the growth of English manufacturing over the eighteenth century .
27 But he denied that closing times after 1.30am were of great value to tourism .
28 Even the wars and internal reforms of Peter I , bitterly unpopular as they were with great masses of his people , could not eradicate the feeling that the Tsar was , in some ultimate sense , the father and protector of the ordinary Russian .
29 Although Botham 's sponsored Mercedes was the victim of a nocturnal break-in on Newcastle quayside within days of him taking delivery , both superstars were in great heart during the early weeks , Jones 's infectious enthusiasm extending to initiating some dumbfounded team mates in the incomprehensible fielding routines practised by the Australians .
30 First of all it comes from the top , I think all of us were in great sympathy with what Harris and the American generals had to do .
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