Example sentences of "were [noun sg] of [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , so you were part of saying
2 And the fairies was boat you see but they were kind of wandering kind of things .
3 And this is how Freud explains Wilson 's inability to stand up to the other men , like Woodrow , like Cle Clements or Lloyd George , who were rather aggressive , and er , were , were kind of pushing all the time , what they could out of the , out of the peace settlement , and what , er the book shows , is that Woodrow Wilson would have confrontations with them and say a lot of fine words , and then the next day , he would , he would give it all away , as it were , he would , he would be ill or he 'll backtrack , or when the actual agreements came to be signed , he , he would n't do what he said he would , er , wh what he did .
4 There we were sort of trying to find out how many men .
5 Well we were going to buy er a caravan when my wa er just , just before my husband died we were sort of looking for a caravan , we had gone and paid a deposit , we should have picked it up on a Saturday and he go , he died on a Friday , so I had to cancel and er only this week er I told you did n't I , that they paid my deposit back because it was genuine tragedy , I , I did n't sort of er made it up that I , you know , sometimes you 've paid a deposit and then you 've changed your mind
6 I was saying to Jean this morning , cos it 's funny enough we went out to Dartington yesterday and we were sort of looking at the restaurant there at Cranks , and I said to her you know about this bowl of soup and then the erm
7 Yeah , they 're quite soft anyway it just felt as if they were sort of my toes were sort of jammed up against the end but
8 mm , you seemed to of , I mean you were a bit disappointed there were less , not so many visually impaired people were there , but they , they were sort of casting the net with council
9 I mean holiday prices were , were sort of scheduled to go up this year compared to last year 's , probably sort of eight , nine , ten per cent .
10 It was er er I mean the , the peasants apparently were , were sort of accounting , they were looking and say well this particular er landlord was , was very unhelpful , he was very anti us and in er because of that he will get a , a worse erm punishment than , than the other ones would .
11 Yes you did you , you , you erm you , you were sort of treated differently , yes you were definitely .
12 And er the foreman and bosses that knew people and they knew the circumstances and I suppose they put a word in and erm you know men were sort of stopped because er I mean , if a man had a house full of children or something , he 'd probably be the very last you know before he was sort of forced to g you know sacked or wh And I mean they were n't sacked in a sense , they was always ready there was a place ready for them to come back to there .
13 I mean you 've co I mean a long , you know not that long ago , you were sort of tending to put it off a lot .
14 and you were sort of given the time and and and er er you know I 'm sure they paid for the books or whatever you needed
15 They were sort of given a choice er i either I , I think it was sort of either you go on the land or er y you , you go down the mines .
16 We took his four- poster bed down that he wanted taking down that he cherished for some peculiar reason , and then we moved all the other bits of furniture , and as we w were sort of getting most of the furniture out of the first bedroom he said Do n't forget the loft will you ?
17 you know you sort of , you were there , I am as a trainer you were sort of digging away there getting a bit more information out about people .
18 No , er , we were sort of saying to Jayne everything was so pricey in that museum
19 but I mean they were sort of saying anything over twenty four and were toiling a bit .
20 The way it was done was that if you imagine putting one card in for psychology , two cards in for research methods , one card in for psychoanalytical approaches , three cards in for memory and so on and so forth an then they were sort of drawn out and then when a topic had been picked the other cards were removed .
21 Erm we boys , my father used to s what we call stud our shoes , and they were round sort of metal studs , and these were sort of knocked into your soles to save the leather .
22 and other various tosspots who were sort of giving her pats on the back and they were making all sorts of slurping noises about her , were n't they ? erm salivating
23 I think it was erm a bit of a ploy that erm I was extra to establishment really and I was only temporary , on the temporary staff until erm well a year or so after the war when all these things were sort of sorted out and erm I was on the permanent
24 I am going to take a risk and say what I think about local radio on the basis of my knowledge , personal knowledge , and these gentlemen can as it , as it were sort of say it 's , it 's not like that for them or whatever .
25 Er if they wanted to be on their roller skates or even on their bikes , then they were sort of going around the walkways .
26 Well erm the er th th th the first and most horrific incidence was I think in the May , no no no it was n't May , it was when we went down to s to Cats in London which was at the end of eighty nine beginning of ninety and I went to , I went to the the doctor in June of nineteen ninety and odd things were sort of going through nineteen ninety , but it was n't until nineteen ninety one and I was off ill and it all went
27 And if you were doing a little programme on , on yogurt and they were sort of going at it absolutely straight for the ‘ You watch this and you 're going to do that and you 're going to do the other ’ .
28 You can take X-ray pictures of these crystalline atoms , like salt and the all because , they all fit into a nice little pattern , you know when we were sort of playing about with them as though they 've go t magnets on ?
29 ‘ No ; they were sort of folded and put in next to each other , on edge . ’
30 We were sort of waiting for the sunset thing .
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