Example sentences of "n't have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't have the correct nourishment .
2 People said black dancers do n't have the right body , the right feet .
3 Or , having decided on a day 's menu , discovering that you do n't have the right ingredients to hand ?
4 Really it is a Cold & Eroded Crack in the Earth 's Crust ; however , Cold & Eroded Crack in the Earth 's Crust National Park just did n't have the right sound for luring Japanese yen , German marks and , should the occasion ever arise , British pounds and Zambian kwachas .
5 ‘ The number of companies that do n't have the right picture is amazing , ’ Mr Desoutter says .
6 The back length of a rucksack is critical for comfort , especially when backpacking , and if you do n't have the right size you 'll soon know all about it .
7 Those statements should be true but erm you would n't have the right that it was of merchantable quality .
8 The back length of a rucksack is critical for comfort when backpacking and if you do n't have the right size of a fixed back length sack you wo n't be able to share the load efficiently between hip belt and shoulder harness .
9 My shorthand does n't have the right symbols somehow .
10 Mark says he was accompanied to the flat , but then realised he did n't have the right keys … he claims he offered to find Graham , but the officers broke in straight .
11 ‘ It should be every professional 's dream to play at Wembley but if players do n't have the right attitude in training you ca n't consider them .
12 ‘ Tyres could have really held me back this year if I did n't have the right ones . ’
13 TOP motorcycle ace Andy McGladdery faced a second operation because red-faced doctors did n't have the right tools to remove screws pinning his leg .
14 They stared at the floor for a few seconds then said ‘ You 'll have to come back because we did n't have the right tools . ’ ’
15 No we wo n't have the right drill bit !
16 It did n't have the inspired anarchic design of some later papers , nor the clean , sanserif appearance of editor Tom McGrath 's previous paper , Peace News .
17 You sods do n't have the automatic right to do it your way .
18 I ca n't have the Egyptian belief though .
19 So that these people go to the urban areas to get the jobs , they 're not trained erm , for these jobs right and as a result , these wages rates still , may still be maintained despite the fact there are lots of people who are quite happy to take wages erm , in , take up jobs in the urban sectors , it 's the fact that sort of , employers do n't want them , because they do n't have the requisite skills .
20 Bill says their odd couple relationship works because they do n't have the normal pressures of married life .
21 We did n't have the usual Sunday dinner but fish finger and beans make a change .
22 The neighbours did n't have the usual collection for flowers either .
23 Those who miss the lecture can see it later and those who attend the course in years to come can at least have the video lecture even if they ca n't have the real thing .
24 I think the monarchy is stopping us from being a classless society but I ca n't think of one country in the world whether it 's communist , whether it 's a new country like Australia what does n't have the rich , the poor , the upper class and the lower
25 Nevertheless , we should n't attach too much significance to the similarities because we either do n't have the relevant evidence or the details are different .
26 You ca n't have the other kind cos the other kind 's our Gary 's .
27 For all his doubtless well-worn quips — ‘ Is there anyone here who does n't have the new album ?
28 They waited tea for another twenty minutes , before Beth addressed the two impatient children with the solemn words , ‘ If the others do n't have the good manners to come to the table at the proper time , then we 'll start without them . ’
29 The main differences between the SK210 and the SK280 ( the next model up in the range ) are that the SK210 does n't have the built-in weave brushes , nor is the magic cam set for motif knitting supplied with it .
30 Erm but I must say that I know the view of erm both Ray and Cynthia is that they have a lack of management time in relation to the other two divisions , because they do n't have the assistant divisional manager post .
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