Example sentences of "were [verb] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 And if he were propelled by such categorical imperative to fail , he could not reek loveableness out of every pore …
2 These words were treasured by those present at the death-bed and recorded for the benefit of those unavoidably absent .
3 Some American officials at the banquet were dumbfounded by this testament .
4 He was Malinowski 's only rival as a dominant figure in pre-war social anthropology , and his intellectual and administrative services to the subject were recognized by many honorary academic offices and awards of merit .
5 Further data , for example , concerning teachers ' reasons for using these texts , were collected during these visits both through informal discussion and through the use of questionnaires which were completed by some of the staff and returned at a later date ( see appendix 1 . )
6 Friends of the Earth estimated that more than 100,000 sites in Britain were contaminated by former industrial use .
7 After about a week of this behaviour , and some digging , the pair spawned on the vertical side of this rock , laying several hundred thread-stalked brown eggs , which were guarded by both parents .
8 Judgments were given by each of the five members of the court but I hope I will be forgiven for concentrating on that of Dixon J. The depth of the research and the penetrating nature of his analysis of the relevant equitable principles are , I think , sufficient justification .
9 The Drummond Lectures were given by another former member of staff , Professor Stewart Sutherland , Vice-Chancellor of the University of London , and who , it was recently announced , is to be the next Principal of the University of Edinburgh .
10 Between the pathologists and police communication was intermittent , for they were parted by more than space .
11 All decisions taken by one of us were ratified by all the others in committee .
12 Plans to cut public spending by 14.5 per cent to combat a higher than expected budget deficit were criticized by former communist deputies , who demanded the government 's dismissal , calling on Bielecki to act merely as caretaker Prime Minister until the elections .
13 Traditionally , the notion of personal response and what the Newbolt Report called ‘ literature as a living thing ’ were regarded by all schools as at the heart of English study , but there is no place for them in Zapp 's perspective .
14 But it only increased the suspicion with which they were regarded by some of the boys , and there were those who were upset by the homosexuality which John and some of his friends made no attempt to hide .
15 At that time , strikes were regarded by most members of the middle class as conspiracies against the established order , as sometimes they may have been ; but this particular stoppage , concerning itself chiefly with man 's natural being and constitution , seemed to Eliot to be quite different from the normal down-tools affair .
16 His interventions were resented by many , and when he declared : ‘ Do n't let us be forced to face alone the whole military power of England and the Allies .
17 At first these were received by all concerned well enough .
18 Redundancy payments , ranging from £50 to £598 , were received by most of the women .
19 Heavy losses were sustained by both sides .
20 To impose upon a man who , through natural causes , has been made ill to a certain extent , very grave injuries such as were sustained by this plaintiff and which reduces his capacity to bear natural ill health , is in my judgment more likely to increase than reduce damages .
21 Perhaps the glass plates were treated by some arcane process that froze the light that passed through them ?
22 The hon. Gentleman illustrated his argument graphicaly , and so shall I. No hon. Member will forget the riots in Trafalgar square and elsewhere in the country that were provoked by those opposed to a system of taxation endorsed by Parliament .
23 On Monday 10 October ‘ General ’ Forster 's little army reached Morpeth and were joined by some well-off Scots , riding their own horses , from across the Border , swelling their numbers to 300 but , lacking arms , Forster was unable to accept the volunteers who flooded in offering to serve as infantry .
24 The post-1950 returnees were joined by some who had never before left the villages .
25 Once in the hotel , Crabb and ‘ Smith ’ were joined by another MI6 officer , Edward Davies .
26 The two cars were joined by another squad car and headed north through Swiss Cottage , Hendon and Mill Hill .
27 Early in the day there was a break of eleven riders who were joined by another five and the group gained an advantage of nearly four minutes .
28 KILLARROW AND KILMENY The minister and many of the congregation of the quod sacra church of Kilmeny " came out " in 1843 ; and were joined by those who left the parish church of Killarrow .
29 On Dec. 21 , in Alma Ata ( Kazakhstan ) , the leaders of the republics who had met in Minsk and Askhabad were joined by those of Moldova and the trans-Caucasian republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia .
30 Copious quantities of Champagne wine were consumed by such a large influx of visitors , enabling the vineyards to flourish and the vignerons to prosper , and leading to the export of both the wine and its reputation throughout the growing markets of Europe .
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