Example sentences of "were [verb] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Knowledge of what they were expected to do on discharge was equally scanty and the elderly people did not seem to connect the pattern of drug-taking in hospital with a possible continuation once they were home .
2 The workload that students were expected to do on the ward , however , was exhausting .
3 I now turn to the adoption minutes of city hall and now it is a process of in that city hall did not endorse a recommendation from the finance panel , the budget that came from finance panel erm so we are in the slightly unusual position of having to debate the proposals of finance panel as we were recommended to do by city hall , erm that means as I understand it that er the chair of city hall will now present the annual budget statement erm and since he is going to do that in a form of an amendment er that seven other unusual features about the way in which we would normally do it which would mean that there would be er a budget statement and where there would then be the the formal proposals and amendments themself , erm so what I would propose is to try and make sure that everybody has , has maximum opportunity to have their say erm because no two amendments can be on the floor at one time er to take what the leader of the council said first of all erm then to allow the other two leaders to present their budget alternatives as it were , without it be , this is just not did n't take it at that point if they do n't want to .
4 From now on the locals would do what they were told to do by Detroit , and if they did n't like it they could take the option of either getting out of their own free will , or being booted out .
5 The issues became purely the military , the political and the humane problem of what you were going to do about it once you had it . ’
6 We saw a Civil Defence exercise in Tyne and Wear where local government officials , obviously not in peak condition , rushed about and contemplated what they were going to do about the rain of megatonne weapons that was being dumped on their ratepayers .
7 An elderly lady rose in the front and demanded to know what we were going to do about North Sea Gas since she was quite sure that this was a dangerously explosive substance .
8 But the beaver was badgered by an impoverished law student who wanted to know what the Conservatives were going to do about grants and a mother concerned about education .
9 And we described what we were going to do on this walk and where we were going to go and both sort of referred to the same composition and there was a prize for the for the one that was judged the best .
10 That 's more or less what we were going to do for Fenella and Caspar .
11 She wondered in horrified fascination what they were going to do to her .
12 They did n't know what they were going to do with them .
13 Erm the point that both the others raised about my objection with the large document and my objection regarding what you were going to do with the information you could have apacked and come out with a stronger result .
14 ( They showed me how deep they had advanced into Russia and I showed them what we were going to do in the West .
15 As to what we were going to do in our school holidays , and if I do n't , let's see , the teacher was named , it 's be the fourth class , and er two of us decided we were going to , and this was before the days of hiking as such , we decided we were going to go hiking .
16 & G. 253 , ‘ the payments made by the plaintiff were not voluntary , but were made in order to induce the company to do that which they were bound to do without them . ’
17 And in addition to that , of course , they have copper , and coming up on the future horizon cobalt , and erm the possibilities of developing tourism on quite a big scale , as they were beginning to do in the nineteen sixties before Amin Amin took over .
18 Mrs. Mounce kicked off her beaded moccasins , curled up in the armchair with her cup of tea , and began to tell Tessa about her hubby and his job , about Dotty and the work they were having done in the house , and about their friends .
19 The general consensus on this matter was left undisturbed until 1984 when Mr Theo Laurentius , an art dealer who specialises in Rembrandt prints , became convinced that the paper on which the etchings were printed did after all hold the key to their authenticity and thus to their value .
20 But , from Quigley 's face when he came out , I gathered that that was precisely what they were intending to do with him .
21 This Marx and Engels were to attempt to do in more detail in their subsequent works .
22 However , Norway and Japan , after the moratorium , continued so-called scientific whaling , which they were allowed to do by a little loophole slipped into the convention under which the IWC operates .
23 It did n't happen often , but when it did , we tried to put it from our minds — to remember only what we were trying to do for our country . "
24 And , and , you know , they 've got paid youth officer 's working in Harlow , now they are , there are , they 're over they 're over stretched it 's true and , but we , I mean what were doing here is actually supplementing there service and were not meeting all , we would n't of erm meeting all the demands , but the important thing I think is that were continuing to erm , you know , were trying to do something about it , and one of the things that were trying to do as officer 's in the Local Government Unit is work with Leisure Services and get them to put more resources into doing things for young people .
25 What the GLC were hoping to do with London 's transport system now looks quite farsighted , and the learned judge 's remark that Ken Livingstone ‘ had made a naked grasp for power that must not be allowed ’ just silly .
26 On Aug. 16 Pérez de Cuéllar said that 40 countries had thus far notified him of sanctions measures , as they were required to do by Aug. 24 , and on Aug. 28 the committee on compliance heard that well over half of all UN member countries were committed to the embargo .
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