Example sentences of "were [verb] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 The two of them leaned closer , across the table , and Tug found himself leaning forward too , as though he were helping to make their plan .
2 It was easy for them to feel that they were struggling to restrain their ally from some madcap act .
3 Children were taught to show their parents obedience , duty , and respect , taking their hat off to their father as a matter of manners , and at solemn moments kneeling to receive his formal blessing .
4 As stated above , the samples of dementia sufferers were to be generated over a period of one year ( 1 April 1984–31 March 1985 ) ; and the development officers were to continue to provide their service for one further year ( until 31 March 1986 ) though no further sample members ( project clients in the case of the action sample ) were to be generated during the second year .
5 Pupils were expected to analyse their inquiries ; check Prestel on-line ; locate , scan and extract information from the tables on screen ; and incorporate this information into their project .
6 They were primary sources of information , some became newspaper leader-writers but , perhaps more significantly , they also ‘ contracted an assortment of interlocking alliances with editors , leader-writers , and proprietors , all of whom were expected to do their bidding ’ .
7 No special arrangements were made in the law for people ‘ cohabiting ’ , but the Assistance Board and their successors were expected to use their discretionary powers to ensure that such people were treated just the same as married couples .
8 In higher education an estimated 400,000 students were expected to lose their grants as a result of a proposal to target the federal student grant fund of $5,800 million , a rise of 7 per cent , at students from families with incomes lower than $10,000 .
9 In those days research workers were expected to earn their money by being practical , and in the case of materials they were expected to confine their experiments to proper engineering materials like wood and steel .
10 Young children went to lace-schools from the age of five upwards and after they had reached twelve they were expected to earn their keep .
11 In those days research workers were expected to earn their money by being practical , and in the case of materials they were expected to confine their experiments to proper engineering materials like wood and steel .
12 Every morning and every afternoon after siestas , the children and young people were expected to greet their mothers , grandmothers and aunts with a kiss in the centre of the forehead .
13 It was excepted that that , in a lot of cases wives were expected to give their jobs up when they 're married , but I see now the mo , my er , not my own children but my young nieces and nephews , the men , th the husbands are present at the birth of their children , they are enchanted , they are making fantastic fathers because they are taking responsibilities !
14 Dissident former members of Jugnauth 's MSM , led by former Finance Minister Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo , were expected to form their own party .
15 In an age in which almost every worthwhile appointment likely to attract a gentleman could be obtained only through political interest , true independence was a luxury for a few wealthy bachelors without close kin , and politicians were expected to satisfy their constituents ' needs .
16 From 1921 , for instance , French colonies were expected to pay their way and build up a reserve .
17 Again it was done live and so , from the cast 's point-of-view , they were expected to learn their lines and movements as if they were doing a conventional four act stage play .
18 Although eighteenth century cooking tended to use a great deal of sugar , women were expected to keep their teeth in repair .
19 All members were expected to pull their weight .
20 In a speech to the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce , Mr Gulliver revealed that only three sectors in the city 's economy — health , tourism and business services — were expected to increase their workforce between now and the year 2000 .
21 Most of the cuts , which were negotiated over 20 months [ see pp. 37201 ; 37267 ; 37335 ; 37473-74 ; 37796-97 ] , would be made by the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries , which were expected to reduce their total arsenal by as much as 40 per cent .
22 The ministry said yesterday that an urgent review of the fungicides ’ safety was in progress and ministers were expected to announce their decision early in the new year .
23 Besides , within the central guidelines , schools and teachers themselves were expected to exercise their skills and responsibilities for determining what pupils should learn .
24 When we asked how this had been allowed to happen , we discovered that the children were expected to work their way through a maths text book ‘ at their own pace ’ with no specific instruction from the teacher .
25 It was there for all to see — BR became less of a corporate business , more an overlord for the sectors who were expected to find their own feet with or without government subsidy .
26 Going off the start at a blistering 51 strokes-a-minute , they sat in the field until the 1500m mark where they were expected to make their challenge .
27 Furthermore the deputy heads were expected to discuss their work with the head teacher , and a visit by two members of the LEA 's advisory service was intended to provide an opportunity for the head to ‘ account ’ to his peers .
28 At the same time , all townsmen were forbidden to leave their home cities , and in future only townsmen were entitled to practise urban trades and crafts .
29 The religious freedom of Christians in Spain , however , was not suppressed and they were permitted to retain their churches and worship in them .
30 Those who were cured after their night at the sanctuary were permitted to record their dreams and commemorate their recoveries on votive tablets , some of which have survived to this day .
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