Example sentences of "were [noun] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That there were snags in setting the sons of the literate parent to the sea , Campbell was willing to admit , though with a little care these could be overcome :
2 Under the Commonwealth there were proposals for reforming , and even abolishing , the Chancery .
3 Now and then there were proposals for reforming the entire system , and it was even suggested that the 12 constellations of the Zodiac might be named after the 12 Apostles .
4 Oh yes , so you were part of saying
5 Linked with the development of the project in schools were plans for initiating and extending local authority inservice provision , as a means of disseminating good practice derived from the experience of selected schools , and to guide schools about to enter the project .
6 When there were signs of breaking up , she said , ‘ Let me take you home . ’
7 The results of the changed balance are more certain ; there were attempts at repressing wages by law , and this may have contributed to the outbreak of the Great Revolt of 1381 ( Ch.3 ) .
8 And the fairies was boat you see but they were kind of wandering kind of things .
9 And this is how Freud explains Wilson 's inability to stand up to the other men , like Woodrow , like Cle Clements or Lloyd George , who were rather aggressive , and er , were , were kind of pushing all the time , what they could out of the , out of the peace settlement , and what , er the book shows , is that Woodrow Wilson would have confrontations with them and say a lot of fine words , and then the next day , he would , he would give it all away , as it were , he would , he would be ill or he 'll backtrack , or when the actual agreements came to be signed , he , he would n't do what he said he would , er , wh what he did .
10 Any solicitor who proposes to do this can take inspiration from the example of Lord Lane C.J. , and of his predecessor in office Lord Widgery C.J. , both of whom were solicitors before turning to the Bar .
11 This power existed where , as the statute provided , it appeared to him that there were reasons for doubting whether the trade union members , in taking part in industrial action , were acting in accordance with their own wishes .
12 The agent might , for example , be at fault if in the circumstances the consent could be taken as sufficient evidence that the agent has power to consent ( i.e. , that there were reasons for holding the consent valid ) and the agent should have realized this .
13 Following the elections there were outbreaks of fighting between supporters of Fatah and Hamas and between Fatah and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP ) in which at least two people died .
14 In the rustic humour there were opportunities for poking fun at lords and masters and oppressive authority , both civil and military .
15 No doubt there were formulae for getting rid of evil spirits , and it may be that the mysterious painted symbols written inside two cups from Knossos are spells of this kind .
16 As before there were considerations of restricting overall investment to physical availability of materials , and of maintaining leverage over the nationalised industries as part of Keynesian demand management in the economy ( allowing greater expenditure when a slump threatened and reining it in when the economy appeared to be overheating ) .
17 Carvajál pointed out that in rural areas such as those around San Carlos there were schools without functioning water pumps or sanitary services .
18 I knew there were risks in going to that planet , but there were risks wherever we went .
19 There were advantages to working in a supermarket .
20 There were advantages in failing to define your terms .
21 They were expert at vanishing silently and reappearing suddenly in some unexpected place ; and in case of need the Lord Owen 's main stronghold of Glyndyfrdwy was no great distance away , mound and manor guarded by a curve of the Dee , down there to the south in the close confine of the valley .
22 There was a very affected couple , Erwin and Pam , who were expert at creaming off the best for themselves — and as they were in their mid-thirties , they had had time for some practice .
23 Philip IV 's master torturers , a motley gang of Italians and strange , wild creatures from Wallachia , were expert in breaking the bodies and souls of their prisoners .
24 The NUCPS also warned if the move to Glasgow went ahead , staff who were expert in dealing with the army officers ' pay system would leave .
25 There were flocks of moulting eiders and quite a lot of goosanders in the bays , as well as a number of turnstones in their smart ‘ tortoiseshell ’ breeding plumage along the shores .
26 ‘ I found there were limitations on conveying a point of view or a situation , and I suddenly thought : you can get a lot more information out of looking at something made up from several pictures .
27 ‘ I found there were limitations on conveying a point of view or a situation , and I suddenly thought : you can get a lot more information out of looking at something made up from several pictures .
28 It is ironic that those two Members were allies in forcing the Madrid conditions on the exchange rate mechanism on the right hon. Lady and they are now at odds over further developments in the Community , but they can still both vote for this meaningless motion .
29 The conference 's principal official outcomes were conventions on controlling climate change and preserving biological diversity , and a lengthy agenda outlining the extent of global environmental problems and the measures needed to tackle them in order to achieve the agreed goal of " sustainable development " .
30 There we were sort of trying to find out how many men .
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