Example sentences of "were [pron] [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 Er I honestly ca n't remember what the the breakdown on the figures are but er even by moving that inner route direction er we were unable er within the traffic model to actually er encourage so much re as much relief on the A sixty one what the actual figures were I have n't got them to hand sir at the moment .
2 Oh yes yeah the skippers , the skippers would go up the town cos every time a ship used to come in they got , they got to take the their papers up to the agent , what the papers were I do n't really know might be a manifest or something like that , what they used to do I mean then you had erm and you had different agents now there 's more agents than ever now .
3 Er I think er the important point to remember is that all of these er benefits and dis-benefits were I do n't have the
4 Oh yes I enjoyed it very much but erm we had American visitors around and we had one a Captain and I 'm afraid we all fell for him cos he seemed such a handsome man and he 'd been a hero in the war , and he was engaged to , then to the then president of America 's daughter , so they informed us but erm I do n't know whether it was the truth , that 's what they , they said but of course some of the , some of the things had to be cast , the bodies had to be cast and they were , they were I do n't know whether you 'd have heard of the Orritor
5 Usually they 're silly things were you have n't quite clipped in correctly to the rope and suddenly , zap , you realise you 've missed death by only a hair 's breadth .
6 Do n't what the good points were we have n't said any yet .
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