Example sentences of "n't come back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It says , ‘ They Take A Bite , But They Do n't Come Back For More ! ’ ’ she said .
2 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
3 John has n't come back to us .
4 So do n't come back at me with any crap about my specific orders .
5 Her father had n't come back by one o'clock .
6 Well they have n't come back from the shop yet .
7 Can I mention er that I 'm very disappointed that C P O's are n't coming back under the fold I understand the arguments for and against , but when you look at erm the knowledge that two of our new recruits have got , in relation , one in relation to fraud and one in relation to terrorism , it seems ironical that they 're divisional staff and ca n't go round the force giving their expertise force-wide rather than just on er a basic divisional
8 Standing there and scowling and telling Mrs Gotobed that he was n't coming back after the war , that he was n't going into the shop …
9 ‘ Do n't let anybody beat you , do n't come back without the gold , ’ my friends had said to me , and I was determined not to let them down .
10 So it was it was up to Mum to make you nice and tidy and smart , like they always used to look after you , and send you down and say , Do n't come back without it .
11 I know I ca n't come back to Scotland , Donald , and I have no wish to live in England .
12 She did n't come back to Low Birk Hatt .
13 ‘ Had I known this man would come back to Lebanon , I would have called and said : ‘ Do n't come back to this country . ’
14 Margaret and Geraldine had gone to Canada as domestics in the earl y thirties and married Canadian husbands , and would n't come back to Liverpool , they wrote , for a big clock .
15 ‘ I said you should n't come back to me , Mr Millet , and you agreed . ’
16 Coleby was n't listening : ‘ But you wo n't come back to Plumford , will you ? ’
17 If it seems too much to see on one visit , remember there 's no law that says you ca n't come back to Brighton & Hove time and time again .
18 She lived in Jesselton and did n't come back to school in England because her mother is a teacher and educated Anne at home in what seemed to me a rather rough and ready fashion .
19 ‘ Perhaps he wo n't come back to Trelorne , ’ Aunt Emily said , ‘ if he gets back his taste for painting duchesses and celebrated actresses .
20 You wo n't come back to Bewick ? ’
21 Well , I 'll tell you one thing , Monday 's not gon na be wonderful for me , I 've got to go into hospital for a little operation er b but seriously , I 'll be out on Tuesday , but I 'll , I 'll be away for the week er , because the Doc said do n't come back to , to work till a week on Monday , so I 'll , I 'll try and listen if I can , but what have you got for us ?
22 You , you know , you , you got over it but er he , he did n't re he did n't come back to you when perhaps he could 've done if he was feeling a bit er aggressive at the time .
23 he did n't really like it , but he had a lovely week , but at least we did n't come back to a house that 's full of
24 But they did n't see Jackie all day and he did n't come back with them again that night .
25 ‘ All right , all right ; but do n't come back with examples .
26 It did n't come back with a refusal and allow us to discuss alternative ways of achieving our objective .
27 I 'm going to drive you the rest of the way , if you wo n't come back with me . ’
28 And that was er I did n't come back with an Line boat , I came back with a erm Canadian Pacific Boat .
29 Erm firstly that if an existing employment use falls to another land use , this is what Mr Allenby was just saying , the subsequent release of employment land onto the market does not come out of the sixty hectares the structure plan 's asking for , that 's what that 's what Mr Allenby just said , I hope he wo n't come back on it , major point .
30 He did n't come back for several hours , afraid of Mum 's temper but Dad said he would replace the mirror and this seemed to pacify her .
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