Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No details were discussed : ‘ I was n't there more than a couple of minutes , but I did n't feel rushed and I am not quite sure how I was shown the door .
2 And er I could n't sight read or anything like , I ca n't sight read .
3 She would n't have believed that he could move so fast as , with a rushing like that of fluid from a punctured sac , the rotten body comes slithering out in a wave of its own juices .
4 Surely he ca n't have imagined that we would wish to live together ? ’
5 Well , there were few whites left except for very old people who could n't have moved if they had wanted to .
6 Maybe she had achieved her present position because she was a woman breaking into a man 's world , but she would n't have survived or been so successful if she had n't been good at her job .
7 I would imagine the plaster wall have to be replaced cos there 's a lot of work that needs to be done on t we 've already had to deal with the plastering once , in fact we would n't have noticed cos we had n't seen it before but what happened is that the the frame of the hall particularly shrank so that we had gaps in between where the plastering was and where the wood was and we had to have a couple of men that we used for this , erm come in with lime plaster and fill in all the cracks for a week or two .
8 He was so starry-eyed when he finally made it bedwards with true love Michelle Pfeiffer , he would n't have noticed if she 'd been wearing Dr Martens .
9 ‘ You would n't have noticed if the Crahn Jewels was thrown into the kidneys . ’
10 I mean , he would n't have noticed if he had n't been looking .
11 And to be honest I would n't have argued if anyone had said whole day .
12 The only secret she had with Travis was about Rosemary , but , since Naylor had never heard of Rosemary , he could n't have sensed that Travis had lost his heart to her neighbour , could he ?
13 I would n't have joined if that was the case .
14 I find it difficult to take orders , to be a follower rather than a leader , but I would n't have accepted if I was n't confident that I could make some contribution to the station .
15 She need n't have worried that she would be recognized .
16 It was noisy and crowded but it was nice to have it so and Alan need n't have worried that she 'd dislike that .
17 ‘ I need n't have worried though , ’ she says .
18 Now if you had n't have said so Liz I would n't have realized that she was trying to , you know , er probe her individuality and er women had a a place .
19 Given Karen 's broken-nosed vowels and head-banger intonation , they would n't have understood if she 'd spelt it tor them .
20 In her place she could n't have stood that for one moment , but neither could she take a man from his wife .
21 I could n't have complained if you had . ’
22 I should n't have asked that , Florence Ames thought , he does n't care to be questioned about his mother and it makes me seem too familiar , too prying .
23 ‘ I would n't have stayed if I had n't felt so ill , and now that I 'm better I 'll go home if you can get me to Paris , Monsieur Lemarchand . ’
24 You ca n't have grown that high in eighteen years , stood up to all those gales , frosts , rain and hail , and not be bounding with energy . ’
25 By the time masculine footsteps sounded on the flight of steps beyond the veranda , she could n't have said whether twenty minutes had passed or fifty .
26 ‘ I should n't have said that , ’ he went on .
27 I should n't have said that , Crevecoeur thought , too late .
28 I should n't have said that , should I ? ’
29 Francis let his guard slip when he said : ‘ He 's going to be one of the great players … perhaps I should n't have said that because it will put too much pressure on him .
30 Or perhaps I should n't have said that … ’
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